Once the "LifeTicks" of the vex have passed and it dies it won't drop it's items. I am not sure if this intended since it doesn't count as being killed however since it's default drop values are 0 this might not be the case. How to reproduce First encounter: give @s minecraft...
If the killer catches you and you don’t make it out of the Trial, you’ll lose the item as well as any add-ons attached to it. However, there’s a way to avoid losing items upon in-game death. If you manage to get your hands on a White Ward offering and burn it, you’ll ...
Nex: Angel of Death The amount of players that you kill Nex with has a impact on the drop chance of the unique items but not the cosmetic chests. The chance decreases massively if there are more than the intended group size in the fight. Chance with 7 people: 1/1,000 chance for a ...
Windows 11, bedrock edition, but my friend also had the same issue on windows 10. Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed Realms Platform: Bedrock Upon death, all worn items occasionally do not drop, but everything else does. For example, I died of kinetic energy in the nether flying in a tunnel...
To let fall; to allow to fall (either by releasing hold of, or losing one’s grip on). from 14th c. To let drops fall; to discharge itself in drops. To sink quickly to the ground. from 15th c. To fall dead, or to fall in death. ...
: to fall in a state of collapse (see collapse entry 2 sense 1b) or death dropped from exhaustion c of a playing card : to become played by reason of the obligation to follow suit d : to fall or roll into a hole or basket 3 : to enter or pass as if without conscious ...
A place where items or supplies may be left for others to collect, sometimes associated with criminal activity; a drop-off point. An instance of dropping supplies or making a delivery, sometimes associated with delivery of supplies by parachute. A small amount of an alcoholic beverage alcoholic ...
Accueil Drop Rates Find out the specific drop rates on unique boss items here!
: to fall in a state of collapse (see collapse entry 2 sense 1b) or death dropped from exhaustion c of a playing card : to become played by reason of the obligation to follow suit d : to fall or roll into a hole or basket 3 : to enter or pass as if without conscious ...
To let fall; to allow to fall (either by releasing hold of, or losing one’s grip on). from 14th c. To let drops fall; to discharge itself in drops. To sink quickly to the ground. from 15th c. To fall dead, or to fall in death. ...