Indexes are very helpful to improve SQL Server query performance, but sometimes indexes get created that are not helpful or no longer needed. In this article, we look at various ways to delete a SQL Server index. Solution The most common reasons to drop an index are because it's either un...
The column name in the scheme isn't restricted to the columns in the index definition. Any column in the base table can be specified. filegroup_name Applies to: SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) and later versions. Specifies a filegroup as the location for the resulting table. If no location is...
In this article Syntax Arguments Remarks Use options with DROP INDEX Show 5 more Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW) Removes one or more relational, spatial, filtered, or XML indexes from the current...
DROPINDEX语句不适用于通过定义PRIMARYKEY或UNIQUE约束创建的索引。这些约束是分别使用。 6. Once an index is created, it is never referenced in a SQL statement again except to validate it (VALIDATE INDEX) or delete it (DROP INDEX). 索引一旦创建,在SQL语句中就不会再引用它,除非...
如果您才接触SQL不久,SQL的各种命令是一定需要掌握的,下面为您介绍SQL命令中的Drop删除表,供您参考,希望对您有所帮助。 Drop Index 取消索引 You can delete an existing index in a table with the DROP INDEX statement. 你可以将现有的索引通过DROP INDEX语句进行取消操作。
当删除事件监视器或用法列表时,该语句的授权标识所拥有的特权必须包括 SQLADM 或 DBADM 权限。 在删除用户映射时,如果此授权标识与该映射中的联合数据库授权名称不同,那么该语句的授权标识所拥有的特权必须包含 DBADM 权限。 否则,如果授权标识和授权名称匹配,那么不需要任何权限或特权。
DROP INDEXTYPE DROP INMEMORY JOIN GROUP DROP JAVA 17 SQL Statements: DROP LIBRARY to DROP SYNONYM 18 SQL Statements: DROP TABLE to LOCK TABLE 19 SQL Statements: MERGE to UPDATE A How to Read Syntax Diagrams B Automatic and Manual Locking Mechanisms During SQL Operations ...
DROPalias-designatorAUDIT POLICY原則名稱BUFFERPOOL緩衝池名稱DATABASE PARTITION GROUPdb-partition-group-nameEVENT MONITORevent-monitor-namefunction-designatorRESTRICTFUNCTION MAPPINGfunction-mapping-nameHISTOGRAM TEMPLATEtemplate-nameINDEX索引名稱1INDEX EXTENSIONindex-extension-nameRESTRICTMASKmask-namemethod-designatorRE...
DROP INDEX GetSQL in a Nutshellnow with the O’Reillylearning platform. O’Reilly members experience books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly andnearly 200 top publishers. Start your free trial
MySQL之创建/修改/删除索引(CREATE/ALTER/DROP INDEX) 一、MySQL索引简介 索引是 MySQL数据库中的重要对象之一,用于快速找出某个列中有某一特定值的行。 为什么要使用索引 索引是 MySQL 中一种十分重要的数据库对象。它是数据库性能调优技术的基础,常用于实现数据的快速检索。