5. Dropdown Menus This compact dropdown animation has four columns with plenty of options for you to add as part of the menu. What We Like: This code is clean and simple, while serving the basic function of having a dropdown animation. 6. Pure CSS Dropdown This animation gives you two...
//没传参数时使用默认参数$(".dropdown").dropdown();//指定参数$(".dropdown").dropdown({ css3:true, js:true, animation:"slideUpDown"}); 接下来,用构造函数的形式来改写dropdown模块 (function($){'use strict';//使用严格模式//构造函数形式functionDropdown(elem,options){this.elem=$(elem);...
今天根据Metrostyle的UI设计效果,配合CSS3的transform,aimation属性制作了一个下拉的动画导航效果。这个效果在webkit浏览器下得到较好的支持,在Firefox下有些卡。其中最关键的地方使用了两个额外标签控制翻转的前后效果,详细的制作过程看代码吧。 demodownload HTML CODE Home HomeHome Services Services...
【CSS】【react】【antd】Dropdown下拉闪烁BUG .ant-dropdown { pointer-events: auto!important; opacity: 1!important; } .slide-up-enter, .slide-up-appear { animation-duration: 0s; } 添加以上即可,但取消了初始下拉的动画效果
openClassName String `${prefixCls}-open` className of trigger when dropdown is opened prefixCls String rc-dropdown prefix class name transitionName String dropdown menu's animation css class name animation String part of dropdown menu's animation css class name placement String bottomLeft Position ...
css3._init($ele,'slideUpDown'); }, show:function($ele){ css3._show($ele,'slideUpDown'); }, hide:function($ele){ css3._hide($ele,'slideUpDown'); } }, slideLeftRight:{ //jquery中没有定义,左右拉动 init:function($ele){ //千万记住如果$ele的宽高是由内容撑开,而没有设置固定宽...
11. CSS3 Dropdown Menu This dropdown menu is also created by using CSS3 and sub menus are created by using animation with some amazing transition effects. Keep in mind that these new effects work only in the freshest browsers. DemoDownload ...
drag-n-drop index.html script.js styles.css dropdown-animation gradient-border-text infinite-scrolling-carousel parallax-scroll poor-mans-react radio-input ripple-effect scrollable-tab shimmer-card toggle-switch LICENSE README.md index.html landing-view.png script.js spinner.svg styles.css Breadcrumb...
Reproduction link Steps to reproduce Start a NextJS Project with App dir Setup Antd and Static Style Extract Script disable hashed option in css gen script and root layout config provider Add Dropdown Menu Hover over the Menu Hover away ...
dropdown container class. This way, when child elements such as the button or the dropdown items receive focus, the corresponding rules will be applied.Let’s replace :focus with :focus-within in our CSS, resulting in the following: