Drop Dead DivaSeason 1 When beautiful-but-vapid model wannabe Deb (D'Orsay) has a fatal car accident, she suddenly finds herself in front of Heaven's gatekeeper, Fred (Feldman), who declares her a self-centered "zero." Outraged, she attempts to persuade Fred to return her to her ...
Season 1 Pilot The F Word Do Over The Chinese Wall Lost and Found Second Chances The Magic Bullet Crazy The Dress More episodes... Season 2 Would I Lie to You? Back From the Dead The Long Road to Napa Home & Away Senti-Mental Journey Begin Again A Mother's ...
Drop Dead Diva: Creado por Josh Berman. Con Brooke Elliott, Margaret Cho, Kate Levering, April Bowlby. Una aspirante a modelo muerta en accidente automovilístico vuelve a la vida como una abogada inteligente y con sobrepeso.
Drop Dead Diva: Creado por Josh Berman. Con Brooke Elliott, Margaret Cho, Kate Levering, April Bowlby. Una aspirante a modelo muerta en accidente automovilístico vuelve a la vida como una abogada inteligente y con sobrepeso.
S1.E12 ∙ Dead Model WalkingSun, Oct 4, 2009 A famous model goes berserk. Turns out her assets are frozen because her husband is missing. She hires Jane to represent her. Grayson and Kim take on a pro bono case of a woman who is being forced to sell her house. 7.7/10 (157)Rate...
电视剧:《美女上错身第1季》外文名:DropDeadDivaSeason1集 数 :13集类 型:喜剧地 区:美国主 演:BrookeElliott,Margaret Cho电视剧美女上错身第1季主要演员: BrookeElliott饰演Jane Bingum MargaretCho 饰演TeriLee JacksonHurst饰演 GraysonKent AprilBowlby饰演StacyBarrett Josh ...
Drop Dead Diva Season 3 Drop Dead Diva Season 4 5楼2022-07-27 18:00 回复 _忏怅 不出所料,Lifetime电视网近日宣布续订旗下热门剧集《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva)第四季,据悉,该剧第四季依然是13集,将于2012年夏季如期回归。《美女上错身》在播第三季保持了良好的收视态势,平均每集约吸引230...
《美女上错身》 Drop Dead Diva 第一季 第八集 Season 1, Episode 08 -Deb: See that aspiring model there? That was me, Deb. Until the day I died. aspiring: 有志气的,有抱负的 model: 模特儿 看到那个美丽模特儿了吗?那是我 Deb。但是我车祸死了。
官方剧照 (6) 截图(2) 新闻图片 (1) 海报(3) 壁纸(0) >去 美女上错身 第一季 的页面 最新回应 ··· 资深影剧迷 : 左一是谁2020-12-17 21:19 DebraJohn : 我爱小天使2019-06-04 00:01 尼安德特人 : 超爱他2017-01-22 18:36 平凡的人...
Previouslyon"DropDeadDiva"... 《美女上错身》前情提要 Oh,hi. 你好 Ithoughtyouweresomeoneelse. 我还以为是别人 It'sme--therealJane. 我是真正的简 AndIwantmylifeback. 我要你把我的生活还给我 Owen,supposethisgetsseriousandthenwebreakup.