根本原因找到后,解决起来就得心应手了,找到相关开发,去掉delete from table where xxx limit 这种用法,就能够避免row格式的记录。 希望对同学们学习MySQL有所帮助
昨天晚上接到一个网络服务请求,由于不小心点击了自己产品软件上面的清空数据功能(这个工具确实需要小心,在Oracle恢复案例中,也有xx企业erp该功能导致数据被删除请求恢复),导致MySQL数据库被直接drop database掉了,之前没有做任何备份,只是发生故障之后,他们立即封存现场,备份出来了ibdata1文件。接到请求之后,通过让其把i...
[root@localhost recovery_MySQL]# ./recover_dictionary.sh Generating dictionary tables dumps... OK Creating test database ... Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. OK Creating dictionary tables in database test: SYS_TABLES ... Warning: Using a password on t...
Category:MySQL Server: Command-line ClientsSeverity:S3 (Non-critical) Version:5.1.29OS:Windows Assigned to:CPU Architecture:Any [3 Nov 2008 14:00] Scott Noyes Description:If the mysqldump output includes a DROP DATABASE statement, then loading that SQL back into the server while using the --...
进入MySQL:启动MySQL Command Line Client(MySQL的DOS界面),直接输入安装时的密码即可。此时的提示符是:mysql> 2、退出MySQL:quit或exit 二、库操作 1、、创建数据库 命令:create database <数据库名> 例如:建立一个名为xhkdb的数据库 mysql> create database xhkdb; 2、显示所有的数据库 命令:show databases...
the connection froze, and any subsequent attempts to connect to this table were unsuccessful. I can't retrieve field structure, I can't drop the (obviously corrupted) table, I can't even drop the database. I tried to do the dropping from the command line, just to get the same result ...
Step #1: Open Command Line Open your terminal or command prompt. Step #2: Log In to MySQL Type in the command to log in to your MySQL server using your username and password. For example: mysql -u your_username -p Step #3: Select Database ...
Tutorial: Querying nested data with Amazon Redshift Spectrum Nested data use cases Nested data limitations (preview) Serializing complex nested JSON HyperLogLog sketches Considerations Limitations Examples Cross-database queries Considerations Limitations Examples Using cross-database queries with the query edit...
Bug #24337 Mysqldump '--add-drop-database' incorrect statement Submitted: 15 Nov 2006 15:55Modified: 21 Nov 2006 16:27 Reporter: Kees Hoekzema Email Updates: Status: Can't repeat Impact on me: None Category: MySQL Server: mysqldump Command-line ClientSeverity: S3 (Non-critical) Version...
Command-Line Format--connect-string=connection_string TypeString Default Value[none] Same as--ndb-connectstring. --core-file Command-Line Format--core-file Write core file on error; used in debugging. --database,-d Command-Line Format--database=name ...