DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS appuals The output will be as below. Drop the database by using the new method The benefit of using this method is that if the database doesn’t exist it won’t cause any error, the next statement in the batch will continue to be executed. Let’s try to re...
DROPDATABASE[IFEXISTS] {database_name|database_snapshot_name} [ ,...n ] [ ; ] Azure SQL 数据库、Azure Synapse Analytics 和 Analytics Platform System 语法。 syntaxsql DROPDATABASEdatabase_name[ ; ] 参数 IF EXISTS 适用于:SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 及更高版本 ...
hive> drop table if exists 表名;drop table if exists table_name; 三、删除库 hive> drop database if exists 库名; 注意如果库里有表会报错 解决这个错误有两种方法:一、就是很简单的将所有表先删除完,再删除库。 另外一种就是使用下述的方法:使用cascade关键字执行强制删库。drop database if exists ...
ProcedureStatementBodyBase ProcessAffinityRange ProcessAffinityType ProviderEncryptionSource ProviderKeyNameKeyOption QualifiedJoin QualifiedJoinType QueryDerivedTable QueryExpression QueryParenthesisExpression QuerySpecification QueryStoreCapturePolicyOption QueryStoreCapturePolicyOptionKind QueryStoreDatabaseOption QueryS...
hive> drop table if exists 表名;drop table if exists table_name;三、删除库 hive> drop database if exists 库名;注意如果库⾥有表会报错 解决这个错误有两种⽅法:⼀、就是很简单的将所有表先删除完,再删除库。另外⼀种就是使⽤下述的⽅法:使⽤cascade关键字执⾏强制删库。drop data...
TheDROP DATABASE IF EXISTS,DROP TABLE IF EXISTS, andDROP VIEW IF EXISTSstatements are always replicated, even if the database, table, or view to be dropped does not exist on the source. This is to ensure that the object to be dropped no longer exists on either the source or the replic...
-- SQL Server Syntax DROP DATABASE [ IF EXISTS ] { database_name | database_snapshot_name } [ ,...n ] [;] syntaxsql Copy -- Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics and Analytics Platform System Syntax DROP DATABASE database_name [;] Note To view Transact-SQL syntax for ...
-- SQL Server Syntax DROP DATABASE [ IF EXISTS ] { database_name | database_snapshot_name } [ ,...n ] [;] syntaxsql Kopéieren -- Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics and Analytics Platform System Syntax DROP DATABASE database_name [;] Notiz...
The DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS, DROP TABLE IF EXISTS, and DROP VIEW IF EXISTS statements are always replicated, even if the database, table, or view to be dropped does not exist on the source. This is to ensure that the object to be dropped no longer exists on either the source or the...
ProcedureStatementBodyBase ProcessAffinityRange ProcessAffinityType ProviderEncryptionSource ProviderKeyNameKeyOption QualifiedJoin QualifiedJoinType QueryDerivedTable QueryExpression QueryParenthesisExpression QuerySpecification QueryStoreCapturePolicyOption QueryStoreCapturePolicyOptionKind QueryStoreDatabaseOption Quer...