How to drop multiple tables in oracle There might be a requirement to drop multiple tables in a single step begin execute immediate 'drop table t_name_1'; execute immediate 'drop table t_name_2'; end; How to drop all the tables in the schema spool drop_table_schema.sql select 'drop ...
Temporary TablesRows in temporary tables are private to your session. Only you can view them. And, once you disconnect, the database removes any rows you added.Oracle Database has two types of temporary table: global (GTT) and private (PTT)....
ora-14452 while dropping user, how to drop global temporary table in oracle, oracle force drop table, advantages of global temporary table in
另外,临时表空间是NOLOGGING模式以及它不保存永久类型对象,因此即使数据库损毁,做Recovery也不需要恢复Temporary Tablespace。 二、重建oracle临时表空间过程 STEP1: Find the existing temp tablespace details SQL>selecttablespace_name,file_namefromdba_temp_files TABLESPACE_NAME FILE_NAME--- ---TEMP/home/oracle/...
You can list the tables markedUNUSABLEby such a drop operation by querying thestatuscolumn of the*_TABLES,*_PART_TABLES,*_ALL_TABLES, or*_OBJECT_TABLESdata dictionary views, as appropriate. See Also: Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guidefor more information on dropping partitioned tables....
DROP 陳述式會刪除物件。 直接或間接依賴該物件的任何物件會被刪除,或變成無效。 每當刪除物件時,就會從型錄中刪除其說明,且任何參照該物件的套件都會失效。
Oracle/ Oracle Database/ Release 12.2 SQL Language Reference Purpose Use theDROPCLUSTERclause to remove a cluster from the database. Note: When you drop a cluster, any tables in the recycle bin that were once part of that cluster are purged from the recycle bin and can no longer be recove...
DROP DATABASEdrops all tables in the database and deletes the database. If you do aDROP DATABASEon a symbolic linked database, both the link and the original database are deleted.Be very careful with this command! DROP DATABASEreturns the number of files that were removed from the data...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-14404 or ORA-14407 When Trying to Drop a Tablespace
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DROPEXITSTABS (TAB_NAME_IN IN varchar2) IS v_cnt Number; begin select count(*) into v_cnt from user_tables where table_name = upper(TAB_NAME_IN); if v_cnt>0 then execute immediate 'drop table ' || TAB_NAME_IN ||' purge'; end If; end DROPEXITSTABS...