How to Drop/Truncate Multiple Partitions in Oracle 12C (Doc ID 1482264.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterOracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and laterOracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and laterOracle Cloud ...
Oracle Database Cloud Exadata Service - Version N/A and later Information in this document applies to any platform.Oracle 12C GOAL To be able to drop or truncate multiple partitions or subpartitions with a single statement 为了能够使⽤单个语句删除或截断多个分区或⼦分区 SOLUTION You can use ...
You can drop partitions from a partitioned table as needed. When you drop a partition, its definition and data are also dropped. Support for dropping partitions from partitioned tables Take note of the following points in the Oracle mode of OceanBase Database: ...
You can drop partitions from a partitioned table as needed. When you drop a partition, its definition and data are also dropped. Support for dropping partitions from partitioned tables Take note of the following points in the Oracle mode of OceanBase Database: ...
注意:分区移动会自动维护局部分区索引,oracle 不会自动维护全局索引,所以需要我们重新rebuild 分区索引,具体需要rebuild 哪些索引,可以通过dba_part_indexes,dba_ind_partitions去判断。 SQL> Select index_name,status From user_indexes Where table_name='CUSTADDR'; ...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-14404 or ORA-14407 When Trying to Drop a Tablespace
1、Oracle 12c 可以实现了异步全局索引异步维护的功能,在分区维护操作,比如 DROP 或 TRUNCATE 后,仍然是 VALID 状态,索引 不会失效,不过索引的状态是包含 OBSOLETE 数据,当维护操作完成,索引状态恢复。 2、12c 中数据字典DBA/ALL/USER_INDEXES OR DBA/ALL/USER_IND_PARTITIONS增加了列ORPHANED_ENTRIES ,表示当前全...
1、Oracle 12c 可以实现了异步全局索引异步维护的功能,在分区维护操作,比如 DROP 或 TRUNCATE 后,仍然是 VALID 状态,索引 不会失效,不过索引的状态是包含 OBSOLETE 数据,当维护操作完成,索引状态恢复。 2、12c 中数据字典DBA/ALL/USER_INDEXES OR DBA/ALL/USER_IND_PARTITIONS增加了列ORPHANED_ENTRIES ,表示当前全...
实际上,Oracle在REBUILD索引的过程中,并不会删除旧索引,直到新索引重建成功,这就是相对删除索引然后重建索引的一个好处:不会影响原有的SQL查询。但也正由于此,用REBUILD方式建立索引需要相应表空间的空闲空间是删除重建方式的2倍。 不能直接REBUILD整个分区索引...
Partition views are supported in Oracle9i so that you can upgrade applications from Release 7.3 without any modification. In most cases, subsequent to upgrading to Oracle9i you will want to migrate partition views into partitions. In Oracle9i, you can use the CREATE TABLE statement to create ...