I'm trying to build a script to delete all objects on a database, so with the following select, build a procedure to execute that will leave the database completely clean (without having permissions to drop the database and creating it again). First remove all sequences, indexes, etc, a...
Oracle" for linked server Cannot grant, deny, or revoke permissions to sa, dbo, entity owner, information_schema, sys, or yourself. Cannot insert duplicate key row in object... Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID', table Cannot open backup device 'C:\TEMP\Demo.bak'. Operating ...
Specify CASCADE to drop all objects in the user's schema before dropping the user. You must specify this clause to drop a user whose schema contains any objects. 使用cascade参数可以删除该用户的全部objects。要说明的如下: 1 . If the user's schema contains tables, then Oracle Database drops t...
Specify CASCADE to drop all objects in the user's schema before dropping the user. You must specify this clause to drop a user whose schema contains any objects. 使用cascade参数可以删除该用户的全部objects。要说明的如下: 1. If the user's schema contains tables, then Oracle Database drops the...
可以尝试禁用约束,truncate表先. 但没有理由不用 drop user XXX cascade 这么简单的方式.慢一些也是...
Indicates that all objects in the schema and the schema are to be deleted. Any cache directives that pertain to the tables in the dropped schema are also dropped. The objects in the schema are dropped first, and then the schema is dropped. When you use the CASCADE clause, be aware of ...
Specify the user to be dropped. Oracle Database does not drop users whose schemas contain objects unless you specifyCASCADEor unless you first explicitly drop the user's objects. CASCADE SpecifyCASCADEto drop all objects in the user's schema before dropping the user. You must specify this claus...
(so.object_id)ASTableName, so.object_idASTableID,0ASOrdinalFROMsys.objectsASsoWHEREso.type='U'ANDso.is_ms_Shipped=0ANDOBJECT_NAME(so.object_id)LIKE'MyPrefix%'UNIONALLSELECTOBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(so.object_id)ASSchemaName, OBJECT_NAME(so.object_id)ASTableName, so.object_idASTableID, tt....
CASCADE - Automatically drop objects (tables, functions, etc.) that are contained in the schema, and in turn all objects that depend on those objects BE CAREFUL - emphasis above mine. Obviously you'll need to recreate the schema afterwards. To just drop all tables in the current ...