DROP TABLE cars purge; 一次删除多个表 Oracle不提供直接删除多个表的方法。 但是,可以使用以下PL/SQL块来执行此操作: BEGIN FOR rec IN ( SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE table_name LIKE 'TEST_%' ) LOOP EXECUTE immediate 'DROP TABLE '||rec.table_name || ' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS' END LOOP...
我们可以发现利用Drop table cascade constraints可以以刪除关联table t的constraint來达成你drop table t的目的,原來属于t1的foreign key constraint已经跟随着被删除掉了,但是,储存在table t1的资料可不会被删除,也就是说Drop table cascade constraints 是不影响到存储于objec里的row data。
SQL> drop table t; drop table t * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02449: unique/primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys (违反了constraint,员工销售表t1有參照到table t,这个reference relation不允许你drop table t) SQL> drop table t cascade constraints; Table dropped. SQL> select * from t1; ...
object privileges on the table, re-create the indexes, integrity constraints, and triggers for the table, and respecify its storage parameters. Truncating has none of these effects. Therefore, removing rows with theTRUNCATEstatement can be more efficient than dropping and re-creating a table. ...
Oracle 在Drop表时的Cascade Constraints http://hi.baidu.com/rebooo/item/12b500b130022bf263388e69假设A为主表(既含有某一主键的表),B为从表(即引用了A的主键作为外键)。则当删除A表时,如不特殊说明,则 drop table A 系统会出现如下错误警告的信息而不会允许执行。
DROP TABLE命令用于从数据库中删除表,同时删除表中的索引、规则、触发器和约束。只有表的所有者才能删除对应表。 说明 包含RESTRICT关键字可指定在存在任何依赖于表的对象的情况下,服务器应拒绝将其删除。这是默认行为,DROP TABLE命令在存在任何依赖于表的对象的情况下将报告错误。 包括CASCADE/CASCADE CONSTRAINTS子句...
Gets the is_cascade_constraints of this DropTablespaceDetails. Specifies whether all the constraints on the tablespace being dropped should be dropped. Returns: The is_cascade_constraints of this DropTablespaceDetails. Return type: bool is_dropping_data_files Gets the is_dropping...
Modify, drop, and add constraints,ApsaraDB for OceanBase:This topic describes the conversion scope of constraint modification, dropping, and addition in ALTER TABLE DDL operations during data migration from an Oracle database to an Oracle tenant of Ocean
SQL> drop table dept cascade constraints; Table dropped. How to drop multiple tables in oracle There might be a requirement to drop multiple tables in a single step begin execute immediate 'drop table t_name_1'; execute immediate 'drop table t_name_2'; ...
Constraints can be placed on a table to limit the type of data that can go into a table. Since we can specify constraints on a table, there needs to be a way to remove this constraint as well. In SQL, this is done via the ALTER TABLE statement. The SQL syntax to remove a constr...