"This project allows you to use YOLOv8 with a DJI Tello Drone for real-time object detection streaming on your computer! You can control the drone with the Tello app and also save the detection results as a video." Notes The TelloCV_GitHubScript.py script features comments/annotations to ...
python docker computer-vision deep-learning drone yolo object-detection darknet darkflow tello tinyyolo tellodrone Updated Oct 6, 2020 Python fvilmos / tello_object_tracking Star 27 Code Issues Pull requests DJI Tello Drone tracks a moving object (a face or a person) on the horizontal/ve...
GitHub is where people build software. More than 150 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
Here are 14 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars durner/yolo-autonomous-drone Star76 YOLO Autonomous Drone - Deep Learning Person Detection: The YOLO Drone localizes and follows people with the help of the YOLO Deep Network ...
These experiments validate the effectiveness of the Drone-YOLO methods in the task of object detection in drone imagery. Keywords: object detection; drone image; remote sensing 1. Introduction In the past 15 years, with the gradual maturation of drone control technology, UAV remote sensing imagery...
训练步骤如下: 将数据集放入Origin_dataset文件夹中,运行data_prepossess.ipynb的所有步骤,这部分将把数据集转换为适合输入YOLOv7架构的形式。 之后在终端中输入 python train.py 即可开始训练,训练结果在runs/train文件夹中。 最新的训练版本在runs/train/exp7中,之后的测试也将使用这里的参数。
In order to get the position of each car, YOLOv4 was used to detect this type of object in each frame. The pre-trained weight of YOLOv4 didn't work well with the input video provided by CVZone because this video was recored from the top view, cars in this video looked a lot diffe...
$ git clone https://github.com/ssling0817/UAV_Object_Detection $ cd PyTorch-YOLOv3/ $ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt Visit https://github.com/ssling0817/UAV_Object_Detection for detail operation. Data augmentation Brightness conversion def brightness(img, value): hsv = cv2.cvtColor...
Detecting small objects in complex scenes, such as those captured by drones, is a daunting challenge due to the difficulty in capturing the complex features of small targets. While the YOLO family has achieved great success in large target detection, its performance is less than satisfactory when...
Refer to zed_tensorrt_yolov8_onnx for guidance.Refer to setup_ptp.txt for camera stream synchronization instructions.Run the following commands in each build folder:./yolo_onnx_zed -s ../../model/exported_small/real_and_synthetic.onnx mixed_yolos.engine ./multi_cam_obj_tracking ../../...