Engel, J., Sturm, J., Cremers, D.: Accurate figure flying with a quadrocopter using onboard visual and inertial sensing. Proceedings of the Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots (ViCoMoR) at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (2012) Engel,...
remove soil and weeds and rotate the image. The package also builds a plot shapefile in order to extract information for each plot to evaluate different wavelengths, vegetation indices, stand count, canopy percentage, and plant height
The front edge of the blade is called leading edge, which cuts into the air first. It splits the airflow, directing some over the curved surface (generating low pressure) and some under the flatter side (higher pressure). The rear edge of the blade is called Trailing Edge, where the ai...
Unlike your video system, you don’t need to worry about managing the channel of your radio when flying with others. This is because your radio automatically manages the channel for you. After you’ve bound your radio receiver with the transmitter, the transmitter will only communicate with tha...
Generally, it is not recommended under slow speed conditions. Binary file added BIN +289 KB readme_en.pdf Binary file not shown. 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 src/realflight_modules/VINS-Fusion/vins_estimator/launch/fast_drone_250.launch Original file line numberDiff line number...
HP-GRC2132 vehicle mounted laser camera is a laser night vision product designed for the day and night surveillance. It adopts all-reinforced structural design, super-strength stainless steel center bearing, multi-round reinforcement design, to ensure the equipment run prop...
Under suboptimal conditions, the proportion of queens in the female brood is generally well below 25%. An alternative hypothesis based on modeling optimal queen production frequencies in the queen/worker conflict attributes “self-determining” capacity to the larvae (Ratnieks, 2001). Although the ...
The training time needed for the Resnet varied from under 10 minutes for patch size 500 to two hours fifty minutes for patch size 100 up to over 40 hours for patch size 25. Concerning the UNet, we tried several patch sizes and learning rates where the patch size of 500 led to better ...
Finally, the environmental and economic impacts under different fleet compositions are analyzed, focusing on three key metrics: carbon emissions, noise pollution, and lifecycle costs. Sensitivity analyses are conducted to explore the specific effects of three key parameters as well as two different ...
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