Former Staff Sergeant Brandon Bryant, who operated drones for the U.S. Air Force Predator program between 2007 and 2011, noted that using the drone-killing strategy to fight against terrorism might actually instigate retaliation and therefore intensify terrorism. They might have killed four terrorists...
The Predator was also known for its ability to remain airborne for long durations, making it suitable for surveillance missions that required extended loitering times. The aircraft was versatile, too, and filled various roles, including border security, counter-terrorism efforts and support for ground...
Taimur Shumail, a policy analyst at the University of South Asia, urged the world to comprehend the nature of terrorism in the region and Pakistan's intensive response to it, rather than only pressurizing and scapegoating it. Since 2014, Pakistan has taken substantial steps against terrorism, ...
on the one hand, to strengthen the standardization of the use of UAVs, on the other hand, to improve the accuracy of the strike action. According to the new policy, when the US military carries
The fight against terrorism is taking to the skies -- of Africa, that is. The U.S. military announced plans to build a $100 million temporary base in Agadez
“Bayraktar TB2 has taken on a much more important role in the fight against terrorism. To date, it has performed more than 95,000 hours of flight,” he continued. “Dozens of them fly as we speak, and the number is increasing each passing day. Currently, 80 aircraft are serving in th...
In his statement, Biden cited the “despicable and wholly unjust attack” and said the service members were “risking their own safety for the safety of their fellow Americans, and our allies and partners with whom we stand in the fight against terroris...
"ThisalsohasbeenPakistan'slong-standingstancethatacomprehensivestrategywasacquiredtoaddresstherootcausesthatfosterterrorismandextremism,"hesaid. Thespokesmansaidthatasafront-linestateinthefightagainstterrorism,Pakistanitroopshavebornethebruntandgiventheultimatesacrificeforit. "WeappreciatePresidentObama'sacknowledgementan...
on local matters. So causing al-Qaeda to evacuate the tribal areas, I think contributed to a decline in the risk to the U.S. Now, I should say, I think probably the most significant factor responsible for that decline was the way that the U.S. hardened its counterterrorism defenses ...
The use of unmanned aerial drones - operated by remote pilots and capable of conducting pinpoint strikes on targets around the world - has revolutionized the fight against terrorism. Within the past few years, however, drones have also been used for domestic security and law enforcement purposes,...