ENGINEERING studentsENGINEERING servicesLEARNINGMUNICIPAL servicesFuture engineers shall not only good at knowledge and technology but also good at other attributes such ethical, professional as well as managing people and emotion. Service learning is an effective education model to develop...
It's predicted that 100,000+ additional UAV jobs will flood the market over the next few years—read our guide to learn about each one.
Hands-on Flight Experience and FAA Certification Prepare Students for Careers in Civil Engineering and Beyond by DRONELIFE Features Editor Jim Magil Students enrolled at a new drone training program at the University of Texas at Arlington will have the opportunity to not only study to earn a Part...
A virtual lab providing students with an intuitive, all-in-one platform to learn about drone design and piloting — no prior engineering experience required! Who is it for? For grade 6+ students and academic institutions Benefits Engage students through guided drone design projects and flight missi...
or help to decide if projects or programs have achieved their goals and produced meaningful results (PBIC, 2015). Individual schools and the local community may also find this data to be useful for reasons such as creating programs that incentivize the use of non-motorized travel options, priori...
Moredronestock Photos and Videos from Forest+Fireavailable to license for all your audiovisual projects The post Dramatic Aerial Footage of a Massive Forest Fire in Southern France! –Drone Footage on HOsiHO.comappeared first onDRONESTAG.
You can find potential customers for drone shows in a variety of industry sectors, including marketing and brand promotion, public and private celebrations, city projects, local community festivals, and sporting events. What are the initial investments?
Design activities can involve creating attachments for the microdrones that are being operated and solving problems or creating a drone that can meet a community need today or in the future. Challenging members to get creative with engineering and design invites different types of students to particip...
The authors would like to thank the following Master of GIS students for their dedication and hours of enthusiastic GIS volunteering for this project: Ryan Smith, Aamir Bonamis and Stace Ellis. The authors would like to also acknowledge and thank Rebecca Jarvis and Melinda Waterman, who were ...
You can find potential customers for drone shows in a variety of industry sectors, including marketing and brand promotion, public and private celebrations, city projects, local community festivals, and sporting events. What are the initial investments?