October 2023 – Amazon announced that the company will introduce its latest prime air drones, which will be used for the delivery of parcels for customers at three locations in the U.S. along with a few cities in Italy and the U.K. The company also aims to expand its drone delivery fle...
Markets for drones tend to be segmented in relation to their use, which also corresponds to price ranges. Generally, the sector is structured in three groups: military, commercial , and hobby. For our analysis, however, we have divided the market into five groups (Table2), which we have d...
The modern era of drones began in 1960, promoted by the Soviet Union’s shoot-down incident of U-2 aircraft. Moreover, the U.S. Air Force started a highly classified UAV research program under the code name “Red Wagon” to develop a drone capable of photographic surveillance mission. ...
To measure the effectiveness or to find the advantages of this service is very simple: the total or relative price of the delivery must be cheaper than the traditional service [98,99]. There are many other advantages of the drone delivery. It is flexible, environmentally friendly and can avoi...