There aretwo ways for recreational or hobby UAS fliersto operate in the National Airspace System in accordance with the law and/or FAA regulations. Do drone laws and rules for flying drones differ by state? Yes, they do. Every state has different laws and regulations regarding UAS (drones)...
Drones are allowed in the United States for recreational and commercial use, subject to FAA and local regulations. Read on for details on the Federal drone laws in the USA.What you must know about USA No Fly Zones or No Drone Zones
Drone users must not violate relevant UAE laws while using the camera; No UAS/drones shall be equipped with drop or release devices; UAS/drones flying range shall be within line-of-sight and not more than 400 feet above ground level; UAS/drones shall fly only during day time and in good...
Want to learn more about drone laws in the United States of America? Check out our list of links and regulations for people flying drones in the U.S.A.
Know something we don’t about drone laws in the United Arab Emirates? Send us an email at support[at]uavcoach[dot]com. We are not international aviation attorneys and do our best to keep this page up-to-date for drone pilots, but the reality is that given the pace of the small unma...
Decoding the Drone Laws in Belgium As a drone enthusiast, I was keen on understanding how Belgium is responding to the growing popularity of these remarkable gadgets. Over time, I discovered that the authorities have adopted a receptive yet assertive approach when it comes toregulating drones. ...
Over the past three years, I’ve had a chance to travel all across China, fly my drone andpublish awesome drone videos. I’ve learned a lot about what I can and can’t do with my drone in China.Can I bring my drone into China in 2025? What are the China drone laws and regulatio...
DRONE LAW IN REST OF THE WORLD Many other areas of the world haven’t yet seen a similar rise in drone popularity,meaning that there aren’t many rules or regulations in place. Some western countries have adapted similar UAV laws and regulations to the UK and US. AndEU countriesare ...
Amazon’s plan to introduce delivery by drone in its experimental Prime Air program hasalready been hamstrungby FAA regulations. Current rules make the commercial use of drones in the US—including test flights—illegal, and a planned overhaul of the law set to arrive in early 2015 could beeve...
Privacy laws need to be updated to account for drones and other new technologies, according to Ryan Calo, of the University of Washington Law School. Five questions: Targeting Americans on U.S. soil “There’s very little in American privacy law that would limit the domestic use of drones ...