Transfer是一款相当优秀的手机文件同步工具。软件操作简单,能够将手机中的文件和附件同步到电脑中,支持照片、视频、歌曲、演示文稿、手机短信或者通讯录等。 软件特色 1、将Android消息备份到PC 2、将消息恢复到您的手机 3、将消息保存为pdf文档 4、打印文本消息 5、备份通讯录和日历 6、无需ROOT支持 使用方法 1、...
在寻找从PC到Android共享文件的方法时,不得不说一下Droid Transfer,这是一个出色的Windows应用程序,它允许将数据从Android设备传输到PC。Droid Transfer App不仅允许用户传输照片,音频或视频之类的数据,而且还允许无缝传输短信,通话记录和日历详细信息。这是在Android和PC之间共享文件并提供许多额外功能的好方法。 它...
Transfer Companion 是一款免费应用程序,可与付费 PC 应用程序“Droid Transfer”一起使用,使您能够将 Android 手机上的消息、音乐、照片和其他文件备份到 PC。您的 PC 和手机之间的通信完全是通过 Wi-Fi 或 USB 连接在本地进行的,没有信息被存储、上传到云端或传输给第三方。
MobiKin Assistant for Android The Easy Way to Manage an Android Phone 4.1 Free Samsung DeX Navigate smartphone in bigger screens 3.5 Free Android Transfer for PC Manage your smartphone with Android Transfer for free! 4.4 Trial version Droid Transfer Android device management tool for PC 4 Free scr...
第一款:Android Filetransfer 手机用数据线连接电脑,打开软件,界面简洁要死了,文件直接拖放操作。http:...
Note: There is no Import file command in Odrid HMI for iOS/iPadOS/macOS. Please see the topic Transfer files to an iOS device.About The about command displays a dialog with version information, number of channels and number of loaded panels (pages)....
These software products will help you sync your iTunes or Windows Media Player music and playlists, as well as your pictures and videos from your computer (PC and Mac). You can also use these tools to transfer the pictures and videos you take on your DROID back to your computer for ...
SyncDroid is a free Android Backup and Restore software that enables you transfer SMS, Contacts, Call Logs, Bookmarks, Audio, Videos, Camera Photos and SD Card Photos between PC and your Android devices.
It seems likethe device drops the MTP connectionafter a certain amount of time/certaing amount of data transfered. Resetting USB connection (remove and plug the cable back to your computer) and unlocking the device again will reconnect it so you can re-run the lastpysyncdroidcommand. It wil...
Check the in-app Upgrade and Settings pages for more. With optimized power usage and low-latency video transfer, DroidCam can replace webcams and capture cards saving you $100s. Use it for remote work, remote learning, teaching, and content creation. --- *USB connection may require ...