Added support to TensorFlow Object Detection for using a different frame generator, instead of Vuforia. Using Vuforia to pass the camera frame to TFOD is still supported. Removes usage of Renderscript. Fixes logspam on app startup of repeated stacktraces relating to "Failed resolution of: Landroi...
Make LinearOpMode blocks more readable. The opmode name is displayed on the runOpMode block, but not on the other LinearOpMode blocks. Added support to TensorFlow Object Detection for using a different frame generator, instead of Vuforia. Using Vuforia to pass the camera frame to TFOD is still...
Inhibitor Zone Generator minimap icons updated from green to red. Acceleration Zone Generator minimap icons will be green. The center of Inhibitor and Acceleration Zone Generators are now pathable. The art was updated to reflect this. Concord LE Lighting status updated. Eternal Empire LE Fixed an ...
Added support to TensorFlow Object Detection for using a different frame generator, instead of Vuforia. Using Vuforia to pass the camera frame to TFOD is still supported. Removes usage of Renderscript. Fixes logspam on app startup of repeated stacktraces relating to "Failed resolution of: Landroi...