O-DRNN algorithm hyper-parameters are optimized using Bayesian optimization for better diagnosis. The proposed work offers superior outcomes in terms of accuracy and encryption latency while using computational cloud services.doi:10.1080/00051144.2023.2195218D. Pavithra...
A new blind equalization algorithm based ondiagonal recurrent neural networks(DRNN) is proposed. 提出了一种基于对角递归神经网络的盲均衡算法。 更多例句>> 补充资料:Hopfield神经网络模型 Hopfield神经网络模型 Hopfield neural network model 收敛于稳定状态或Han加Ing距离小于2的极限环。 上述结论保证了神经网络并行...
对角递归神经网络(diagonal recurrent neural network) 由于对角递归神经网络(DRNN)具有能够逼近任意非线性映射的特点,且具有较强抑制干扰的能力,同时内模控制器具有较好的鲁 … cdmd.cnki.com.cn|基于48个网页 2. 对角回归神经网络 4.1对角回归神经网络(DRNN)32-36 4.1.1 DRNN 的数学模型32-33 4.1.2 DRNN 的学...
Finally, on the basis of the economic model, an improved particle swarm algorithm was obtained by adjusting the inertia weight and acceleration factor to address the problem that the traditional particle swarm algorithm was prone to fall into local extremes, which could more accurately perform ...
Improved algorithm research of optimization solution withrandom neural network; 用随机神经网络优化求解改进算法的研究 2. Solving C-TSP withrandom neural network; 用随机神经网络优化求解C-TSP 3. A novel approach to the real-time speech quality evaluation in a packet network using feed-forward multiple...
Dynamic recurrent neural networks (DRNN) are neural networks with feedback connections. They are superior to static feedforward neural networks (SFNN) in nonlinear time-series analysis because they can also accommodate temporal associations. However, like SFNN, DRNN presents a black box approach to...
Algorithm) 网络的所有输入与所有回归神经元之间的连接 权采用统一的学习速率进行迭代,各层权的通用学习 速率的迭代算法是依据误差理论,基于Lyapunov函数 的收敛定理而得出 [5,6] 。 DRNN网络权值调整采用梯度下降法学习调整 权值,DRNN辩识器输出 ( ) ( ) ...
To overcome disadvantages of BP algorithm, a new recursive prediction error algorithm(RPE) is used in this paper.In addition, to demonstrate the effectiveness and veracity of the proposed method, some cases are used in the simulation. The simulation results are satisfactory.Huida DUAN...
DRNN Shifting Self-Adjusting Discrete PID Algorithmfor Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Active Suspension System 气动人工肌肉主动悬架系统的可变自整定离散PID控制 www.ilib.cn 7. Application of DRNN-Based PD Hybrid Control Techniques in Ship Dynamic Positioning Systems 基于DRNN神经网络的PD混合控制技术在船舶动力...
To defeat this, an Adaptive Dolphin Atom Search Optimization (Adaptive DASO) algorithm is developed. Hence, the main aspire of the research is to develop and design an Adaptive optimization-based network intrusion detection system, which tunes the classifier effectively toward the accurate prediction....