Marlin DRM是由Marlin Developer Community(MDC)创建的一套DRM标准。MDC是由Intertrust,,Panasonic,,Philips,,Samsung和Sony这五家公司在2005年组建,是一个开放标准的组织。这五家公司后来又成立Marlin Trust Management Organization(MTMO)来管理认证许可,MTMO在2007年开始商业运作。 Marlin的工作流程可见下图: 3 Android...
Integrate our player software development kits (SDK) within your own apps free 30-day trial Multi-DRM 101 What Is DRM and How Does It Work? What Are the Benefits of DRM? What Is the Biggest Benefit of Multi-DRM to Small-and-Medium-Sized Operators?
Complementary DRM Technologies Built in-house to the strictest security standards possible, choose from basic command line packagers to a dynamic, just-in-time packager, streaming, and origin server for streaming of content protected with DRM. Top it off with an HTML5 Player specifically built wit...
Our PRESTOplay player technology uses Widevine for numerous use-cases. DRM support for HTML5, Android, Android TV, iOS, and iPadOS (including MPEG-DASH on iOS/iPadOS) Secure downloading and offline playback on Android, iOS, iPadOS, and desktops Widevine CAS support for Android TV Our Video ...
, Android 4.2.2, a fantastic camera, a 1.9 GHz Quad-Core Processor or 1.6 GHz Octa-Core Processor, a user-replaceable battery, and a microSD storage slot. Super-wide full HD screen, powerful processor, and extended battery life all make this flagship smartphone a wonderful movie player....
由於 DRM限制,所有iTunes電影/視頻/電視節目均使用Apple的FairPlay DRM複製保護來保護,如果您想在計算機上播放受iTunes保護的電影,則需要使用用於購買電影的帳戶對計算機進行授權(使用iTunes) ,除非取消DRM保護,否則您無法在Android設備(如Samsung Galaxy S20 / S10,Huawei Mate 30 / Mate 20 / P40 / P30)或...
將所有音訊或影片檔案轉換成可以在Windows Media Player上播放的格式 不使用iTunes也能將匯出的影片或音訊檔案複製到iPod 將音軌燒錄到音訊CD 使用DRM刪除插件刪除DRM保護(但該網站已不能訪問) SoundTaxi Pro + VideoRip作為DRM清除軟件已完全無法使用。作為媒體轉換器,它只能轉換有限類型的格式。至於同步iPod的功能...
Complementary DRM Technologies Built in-house to the strictest security standards possible, choose from basic command line packagers to a dynamic, just-in-time packager, streaming, and origin server for streaming of content protected with DRM. Top it off with an HTML5 Player specifically built wit...
Android手机,平板电脑和电视,例如Samsung,Huawei,LG等 Windows手机包括Lumia系列 BlackBerry OS设备或Nokia(Symbian)设备 任何其他MP4兼容设备 亚马逊Kindle Fire,Nook,Kobo等 Roku TV和各种智能电视 Plex媒体服务器,Windows Media Player PSP,PSP GoPro,PS Vita,PS3,PS4 ...
DRM-enabled player Deliver protected live, on-demand and offline video through a top-notch player that supports multi-bitrate streaming, DVR,advertising, viewership data analytics, VR, and 360° video playback. Multi DRM integration services ...