DRM-Free Music Boosts Online Album Saleszyk
"Imagine a world where every online store sells DRM-free music encoded in open licensable formats," Jobs wrote. "In such a world, any player can play music purchased from any store, and any store can sell music which is playable on all players. This is clearly the best alternative for c...
Apple's iTunes and e-tailer Amazon.com are in position to test this hypothesis in the coming months. On Wednesday, Amazonannounced that it plans to sell digital songsfrom record label EMI Group that will be DRM-free. Amazon's unprotected music, which will be sold from the retailer's upco...
DRM-Free Music - I've run into problems trying to transfer my iTunes music to an MP3 player. I am told that the problem is DRM, some sort of copy protection built into the songs. Are there ways to get around this? Can I buy DRM-free music, or remove t
從Apple Music流中刪除DRM。 將Apple Music歌曲轉換為無DRM的MP3,M4A,FLAC,M4R,MKA,AC3,AIFF和AU。 將iTunes M4P歌曲,iTunes M4B / M4P和Audible AA / AAX有聲讀物轉換為純音頻格式。 在任何MP3播放器,Xbox 360,PSP,PS4,Android平板電腦,iPod nano,iPod shuffle等上播放Apple Music文件。
“next big step forward in the digital music revolution” and publicly appealed to “all other major and independent labels” to follow EMI’s lead. He declined to reveal details of negotiations with other labels, but predicted that half of iTunes’ catalogue could be offered DRM-free by the...
On Tuesday, Apple announced that after six years, the iTunes Store would soon completely stop selling music encumbered by digital rights management (DRM) restrictions. What does that mean for you? Read on to find out. I thought Apple already sold DRM-free tracks called iTunes Plus on the ...
Rhapsody has decided to embrace the iPod, launching a new store that offers more than 5 million DRM-free music tracks in MP3 format.
从Apple Music流中删除DRM。 将Apple Music歌曲转换为无DRM的MP3,M4A,FLAC,M4R,MKA,AC3,AIFF和AU。 将iTunes M4P歌曲,iTunes M4B / M4P和Audible AA / AAX有声读物转换为纯音频格式。 在任何MP3播放器,Xbox 360,PSP,PS4,Android平板电脑,iPod nano,iPod shuffle等上播放Apple Music文件。
Nokia has launched Nokia Music Unlimited Service with DRM free Music for their newly launched phones, Nokia X2-02, Nokia Asha 200 and Nokia Asha 300. It would offer users to download and share music from the Nokia Music Store that are DRM-free, pre-activated (on the device) ...