The woman's driving license from Saipan. A motorist was detained for seven days and fined 1,500 yuan (US$228) for using a foreign driving license, police said on Thursday. The woman surnamed Gu was stopped for a check by a police o... sport, a hard stroke (with a golf-club, a cricket batetc).drive 6.(computers) a disk drive.lectura de disquete ˈdrivernoun a person who drives a caretc.a bus-driver.conductor ˈdriver's licensenoun (American) a driving licence.permiso de conducir,carnet de conducir ...
A current driver’s license from your home country is required and you can only drive with a foreign driver’s license for three months. Driving without your driver’s license (or with one for longer than three months) can result in a fine of approximately $93. Yellow lines denote areas ...
【Within the scope of foreign driving license】The vehicle must be in the same category as stated in the applicant's foreign motor vehicle driving license.【与自带车型一致】驾驶自带临时入境机动车的,临时驾驶许可的准驾车型还应当与其自带机动车车型一致。【Consistent with the type of the vehicle ...
in public and living a better life. 保持活力﹗依照處方服藥會提高你能有效控制發作的機會﹗這會讓你有更大機會 取 得駕 駛執 照﹑ 避免在 公眾地方有發作及活得更好。 [...] at Baku airport and that in 2000, he had acquired a driving license, both events ...
★Foreign driving license. 如果你的境外驾驶证是非中文表述的,还需要把驾驶证翻译成中文。可以通过翻译机构的电子邮箱申请翻译;也可以到公安车管办事窗口,由工作人员协助申请翻译。 If your foreign driving license is not in Chinese, you need to translate it into Chinese. You can apply for translation servic...
A valid HongKongDriving Licensewillnot in itself make them eligible for employment with Hong Kong registered companies [...] 領 有正式的 香港駕駛執照本身 並不 會 令這類司 機有資 格受僱 於香港註冊公 司,擔任過境 貨櫃車 司機。
8白色背景的1寸照片 8 1-inch pictures with white background 方法/步骤 1 你的外国驾驶执照的翻译在适当的机构,它会保存在密封的信封。 [上车将访问你拿起你的驾驶执照,提前把它翻译Get your foreign driver license translation done at the appropriate agency and it would be kept in the sealed ...
美 英 n.驾驶执照 英汉 n. 1. 驾驶执照