Drug drivingmeans driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs other than alcohol. “药驾”(drug driving)指服用药物之后驾驶机动车的行为,与“酒驾”有相似之处。 Driving whilst under the influence of drugs is extremely dangerous and can affect driving in numerous ways. 在药物影响下...
The advice is simple: Do not drive whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Find out how drink and drugs affect your driving ability and what you can do to ensure that you stay safe on the road. What are the risks of driving under the influence o...
Considerable interest has lately been expressed in motor car driving whilst under the influence of drugs. Unlike depressant drugs (e.g. alcohol) dance drugs are often perceived to enhance driving skills. The physical effects and the current lack of police roadside testing are possible contributing ...
In the period 1977–1979, 218 cases of driving whilst under the influence of drugs were submitted to the Danish Medico-Legal Council. The female/male ratio was 50/168. Benzodiazepines were demonstrated in the blood of 75 drivers and barbiturates in 56 drivers. Most concentration levels found ...
Drink driving, driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated / driving while impaired (DWI) is a criminal offence in most countries due to the fact that alcohol and drugs can impair the user and make them a danger to other road users' safety when driving. Consequently, ther...
The motive of the research was the anecdotal evidence, which suggested that many more people drink and drive, especially in rural areas of Northern Ireland, than the official statistics reveal. Common knowledge of these areas suggests that some drive whilst under the influence quite freely as the...
Moreover, texting while driving is a form of impaired driving, akin to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Texting drivers can exhibit similar impairment levels as those with a blood alcohol content above the legal limit. The cognitive demands of texting divert attention from crucial...
One of the most irresponsible mistakes to make while driving is the usage of phones. Texting on the phone can prove to be as fatal as driving under the influence of alcohol. Moreover, the usage of phone while driving is regulated in many countries. So, give priority to yourself and your...
The government plans sentencing reforms for drivers who kill while using a mobile phone, speeding or operate a vehicle while under the influence. The new penalty would provide the option for a life sentence, instead of the current 14 years. The legislation will be introduced in Parliament early...
many’ the night before. The risk just isn’t worth it. I find it more than a little alarming that the motivation for most of us to avoid drink-driving is the fear of getting caught rather than the unspeakable consequences of being responsible for an accident whilst under the influence!