Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal in Canada. Unfortunately, many people choose to drive while intoxicated anyways. These drunk drivers are responsible for thousands of fatalities and injuries every year in Canada. If you were involved in a car accident caused by a drunk ...
Drinking and Driving (D&D) offences such as impaired driving, failing to provide a breath sample or a breath sample is over 80 mg are Criminal Code offences in Canada. A DUI (Driving under the influence) offence has dire consequences to both your licence and insurance premiums. If found guil...
In Canada an IDP can only be obtained from theCanadian Automobile Association(CAA). The application process differs between members and non-members, so visit the link to find the corrrect process. The link to the CAA explains how to apply for the IDP in person or by mail, although in bot...
The “Over 80” rule in Ontario means that if you drive with more than 80 mg of alcohol in your 100 mL of blood, you count as driving under the influence of alcohol and can face an impaired driving charge. But what does driving over 80 really mean? Read on to find detailed informatio...
which sought insight from more than 2,000 respondents in Canada and the U.S. It also points to a growing chorus of citizens who demand that something be done about others who think nothing of driving after drinking or taking drugs. Among other findings, researchers came ...
In Canada, if an officer sees someone driving erratically on the road, they legally have the right to pull that driver over and evaluate them for impaired driving. If the police officer has reasonable suspicion the person driving is impaired by drugs or alcohol, they can conduct a field sobri...
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs means that the driver does not have the mental capacity to apply the motor skills. It’s illegal to drive a car if the blood alcohol content is 0.08% or higher. How Drinking Affects the Driving?
Recreational marijuana recently became legal in Canada, with a legal age of purchase set as either 18 or 19years, depending on the province. Historically, the mean age of onset for marijuana use among youth occurs at a much younger age. The current study examined the association between age ...
Contributing Factors to Fatal Collisions: CanadaSource 7 CONTRIBUTING FACTORS IN FATAL COLLISIONS (2021) Contributing Factors* Distraction 19.7% Speed / Driving too Fast 24.7% Impaired / Under the Influence 18.4% Fatigue 3.4% Other Human Factor 76.2% Environmental Factor 18.0% Vehicle ...
Under the influence of cannabis, certain visual functions such as visual acuity (p < 0.001), contrast sensitivity (p = 0.004) and stereoacuity (far, p < 0.001; near, p = 0.013) worsened. In addition, there was an overall deterioration of driving performance, with the task of keeping the...