exceed the speed limit by any amount in a 'school' speed limit area fail to give way, signal or check for other road users, and someone else has to avoid a collision stop the car in a dangerous position drive through a stop sign or red traffic light disobey a direction from your testi...
闯红灯 run red light遮挡、污损号牌 block or deface license plate扣分处罚 point penalty终身吊销驾照 have license revoked for life无证驾驶 driving without a license禁行区行驶 running through restricted areas追尾tailgating肇事逃逸 hit-and-run逃避交警检查 avoid police checkpoints酒驾/毒驾 driving under ...
In New York, the Department of Motor Vehicles states that accidents are recorded through the end of the year they occurred, plus three additional years.In California, accidents will remain on your record for three years and three months. However, hit-and-runs and DUIs will stay on your ...
Using a mobile phone while driving is illegal in Ireland unless you have a hands-free system. The law includes texting, scrolling through playlists, or any other hands-on use of a phone. Violating this rule can result in fines and penalty points....
and pedestrians. Each of them will have their own behaviors and have their own rules to follow on the road. As you've seen throughout this specialization even though we've only defined the most likely core components of the driving task, there's clearly a rich and diverse set of potential...
If you ever approach a set of traffic lights that have just changed to amber or red then you mustSTOP. Not because it is the law, but because you will hit someone. Motorcycles will always jump the green light and will collide with you as you pass through the intersection. ...
c. Drive quickly through the intersection to get out of the way of other vehicles.2. If a traffic light shows both a red light and a green arrow, a driver may not turn in the direction of the arrow until the red light has changed. ...
each set in wildly different environments that noticeably altered the handling of the game’s Elans and Esprits. By far the highlight was the motorway course, which saw you pelting through pitch-black tunnels and under the trailers of flatbed trucks, prompting a brilliantly rubbish-sounding ‘yee...
To honor this Texas immortal, through our Facebook page, I asked El Pasoans, "What were the funniest Chuck Norris jokes they knew." 1. WALKER VS. GEORGE LUCAS Canva 1. WALKER VS. GEORGE LUCAS Chuck Norris was in Star Wars. He was the Force. - Randy Serna ...
When multiple vehicles ahead of you are progressing through a stop sign (or a right turn at a red light), this represents a mini 'stop and crawl' situation normally found in a bumper to bumper traffic jam. Time your approach, to arrive at the stop sign as the last car ahead is depa...