A Bonferroni correction for 7 statistical tests (6 secondary outcomes plus the primary outcome) was applied to all secondary outcome assessments. The 95% CIs of the means were calculated using weighted t statistics. A Welch analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine whether driving time ...
/ 10 daimler world premiere freightliner inspiration truck freightliner; daimler trucks; daimler; daimler trucks north america; dtna; autonomous driving; autonomous; autonomous vehicle; licensed; street legal; autonomes fahren; autonom; zugelassen; nevada; las vegas; usa; inspiration truck; inspiration ...
Chemical tests in VC 23152(f) and (g) cases may be invalid because of:Contaminated medical equipment, Improperly drawn blood, Improper storage of the samples, and/or Improper handling of the samples.31According to Los Angeles DUI defense attorney John Murray32:...
In a next step, we tested by a mass balance approach, whether scale formation can be derived from hydrochemical samples at the well head. Table3summarizes the scale rates at different sections of all investigated sites with a full data set of scale rates from the ESP to the wellhead. Facili...
It was not possible to use an entirely controlled experimental design with pre- and post-tests in both an experimental group and a control group. On the one hand, this was due to the restricted time available for measurements, on the other hand, this was due to the many requests schools ...