Driving in europeTouring tipsA country by country guide to local rules for driversIf you're planning to drive abroad from the UK it's important to familiarise yourself with local rules for drivers before you go.This is just as important if you regularly drive abroad as it is if you're ...
We've included the information you'll need for a self drive holiday in Germany, from hiring a car, rules of the road, FAQ's, to some great ideas for touring the different regions of this wonderful country. Tips on Driving In Germany Drive on the RIGHT hand side of the road. The ...
(”In general, is… [secondary task]… dangerous while driving?”, Answers: 0 = Not at all; 1 = Very little, 2 = Little, 3 = Moderate, 4 = Strong, 5 = Very strong). 3.2. Procedure We conducted the nationwide interview study in Germany. The interviews were conducted in different ...
We conducted an online experiment with 379 participants in Germany. The results indicate a significant impact of the TCOC information weighted with the value differences and potential driving bans on ICEVs. In addition, costs, hedonic benefits, education, and average annual mileage significantly ...
The differentiable safety mapping network is a neural mapper pretrained from physics and driving rules to map unsafe behaviors to a feasible domain of safety. To further overcome the distribution shift issue, we integrate the generative adversarial training as in GAN42 and GAIL43, where a ...
The Fair City said: Bicycles and Cars, Same Roads, Same Rules. But in time the City forgot. Time passed and the number of Two Wheel People increased as a new generation came upon the land, and saw that bicycling was cool and fun. It might also have helped that the price of gasoline...
driving rules to map unsafe behaviors to a feasible domain of safety. To further overcome the distribution shift issue, we integrate the generative adversarial training as in GAN42and GAIL43, where a discriminator is introduced to be jointly trained with the behavior modeling network. During the ...
calculations required to comply with the Pillar Two rules. This is evidenced by a surge in levels of interest in advance pricing agreements (APAs) and dispute resolution programs offered by tax administrations. This proactive approach allows for more certainty in both TP disputes and Pillar Two ...
The essential role of bank credit as an input in the production of goods and services places banks in a unique and influential position, such that any inefficiency in credit allocation, or other market distortions in banking, are almost certain to be felt throughout the economy (Shaffer, 2004...
The simulated vehicle used was defined in the software as a “large family car”, and had an automatic gear transmission. The full list of characteristics can be found in the data available at https://osf.io/xhazm/. As the study took place in France, the driving rules were those of ...