drivinglicense驾照test外国人click DrivingTheoryTestQuestionDrivingLicenseTestinChinaDrivingLicenseTheoryTest1.Whatdoesthisroadsignmean?A、intersectionB、watchoutforthetrafficlightC、pedestriancrosswalklightD、watchoutforpedestrianClicktoviewbigpictureCorrectanswerisB2.Whenamotorizedvehiclehasaproblerr,ontheroadandneedsto...
1、Driving Theory Test QuestionDriving License Test in ChinaDriving License Theory Test1.What does this road sign mean?A、intersectionB、watch out for the traffic lightC、pedestrian crosswalk lightD、watch out for pedestrianClick to view big pictureCorrect answer isB2.When a motorized vehicle has ...
the class C DMV driver license examinations include:A vision test A driver's knowledge dmv written test of traffic laws and road signs - This dmv driving test consists of 36 questions, each question has three answer choices, and only one best option shall be marked as the correct answer. ...
Driving Theory Test Question Driving License Test in China Driving License Theory Test 1.What does this road sign mean? A、intersection B、watch out for the traffic light C、pedestrian crosswalk light D、watch out for pedestrian Click to view big picture Correct answerisB 2.When a motorized ...
Arrive at the licensing office for your test at least an hour prior to the time the last test can be given. Be sure to arrive in the office to give sufficient time for you to concentrate on each question and answer. Louisiana DMV Drivers' License Info & Resources: ...
Note that whilst I understand that the motorcycle test is very similiar to the test for a motor vehicle driving license, it is worth heading over themychinamoto.comforums for advice. For specific information about traffic law please refer to theLaw of the People's Republic of China on Road...
2.Method of Question Grouping 科目一考试试卷由100道题组成,由计算机驾驶人考试系统按《机动车驾驶证工作规范》规定的比例关系随机抽取、组合。组题的比例关系见下表。 Subject 1 test paper has 100 questions, which are randomly selected and grouped by the computerized driver test system in accordance with...
What is a driving test? A driving test is a practical exam to determine a person’s ability to drive a car, which they must pass in order to get a driving license. There are two types of tests, which are common in most places in the world. The first test is a written driving test...
泰国驾照考试题库 Thai Driving License Exam Test Questions & Answers 热度: 相关推荐 Asweallknow,IfyouarelearningChineseinchinaorworkinginchina,owningchinadrivinglicenseinchinatodriveyourowncarorrentacarfortravelingisveryconvenientforyou..butholdoverseadrvinglicensecan’tdriveinchina,onlychinesedrvinglicense...
peopleMove the vehicleto a safe placerapidlyLeave the sceneand discusscompensation onhis ownCheck thevehicledamage first AA motorized vehicle driver who drives after drinkingalcohol is subject to the temporary detention of thedriving license for ___and also a fine of 200yuan ~ 500 yuan. 12 month...