根据Gov.uk上的信息,持有以下指定国家/地区驾照可以在英国租车,且不用额外申请英国驾照。 指定国家和地区包括:安道尔,澳大利亚,巴巴多斯,英属维尔京群岛,加拿大,福克兰群岛,法罗群岛,中国香港,日本,摩纳哥,新西兰,大韩民国,新加坡,南非,瑞士,津巴布韦。 英国驾照申请步骤 第一步:申请临时驾照(Provisional Driving Licence)...
https://www.gov.uk/apply-first-provisional-driving-licence ➡也可以去邮局填表格申请(£43,且不收现金)。 大约等待一周就可以拿到你的实习驾照了,然后你可以拿着它当身份证用或者直接学车考驾照啦! 下面我来列一些申请临时驾照事的要求: 1.你必须符合UK resident的要求,通常情况下是每年至少有185天居住在...
Any category of vehicle shown on the user’s licence can be driven in the UK on a temporary or permanent basis. When a driver from these regions reaches 70, they will need to exchange their licence UK licence, as their licence will expire. If the resident has a car licence, but the ...
To drive in the UK you must be at least 17 years old, and hold a valid driving licence of a category suitable to the vehicle you want to drive. Driving licences from other countries can be used in the UK only for a certain period of time, which varies depending on where your licence...
your UK driving licence. Sun Chen:是啊,我们今天可是真的学了不少词。那Lily,我们是不是再来复习一遍呢? Lily: That's a good idea! Here we go. Sun Chen:正式驾照。 Lily: Driving licence. Sun Chen:还有,实习驾照。 Lily: Provisional driving licence. Sun Chen:要想通过驾照考试,首先是理论考试。
Book driving test online Gov.UK Everything you need to know to book your driving test online in the UK When can I book my practical driving test? The practical driving test can be booked and taken with a valid (at age 17) provisional driving licence upon passing your theory test. ...
最后更新时间:2008年5月30日格林尼治标准时间10:54更新 转寄朋友 打印文稿UKDrivingLicence英国驾照 AnL-plate,usedtoshowthatsomeoneisalearnerdriverProgr..
Tagged with:driver's licence,full driving licence,LGV,licence,motorbike,PCV,provisional driving licence Posted inAdvice,Car,Heavy Vehicle,Motorbike,Passenger Vehicle 1 Pings/Trackbacks for "How to get a driving licence in the UK" Advertisement ...
Their website is https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-embassy-in-costa-rica What to do in an emergencyIf you're involved in an accident you must not move the vehicle, not even to the side of the road, until the traffic police have come to inspect it. The only exception ...
ukdrivingtheory.com aims to help those who need to take their driving theory exam and practical road driving test to get a driver's licence in Great Britain. It will provideonline driving theory testing servicesfor those who need to learn, practice, evaluate or get a taste of how the real...