driving licence•Theyrepresenta man'sdateofbirth, adriving licencenumber and anidentitynumber.•No, she did not own a car - could notaffordto - but she did have adriving licence.•Dalton was alorrydriver,Foxdidn't even have adriving licence.•Acleandriving licenceisessential.•Aration...
They were then told that was who we wanted to drive during the session and we checked their licence to make sure that it was a current NZ unrestricted driving licence. The participants were then told that the drive would be recorded and shown the camera. Participants were then given a ...
Gaze behaviour during curve driving. (A) When actively steering drivers spend most of the time looking at a ‘guiding fixation’ (GF) region 1-3 s ahead, with the occasional look-ahead fixation (LAF) further ahead. Within these zones, drivers pursue (track) waypoints using a move-dwell-mo...
L. Andreu et al.,op. cit.Hence the proposal to create an Article R. 221-8-1 in the Highway Code (inspired by Article R. 221-8) which states that“The various categories of driving licence set out in the preceding articles allow the driving of an autonomous vehicle on condition that ...
of the DAS. The measurement invariance testing showed that the meaning and psychometric performance of driving anger and its facets are equivalent across countries and types of professional drivers. Furthermore, the results showed that driving anger facets had positive correlations with dysfunctional ...