As for ethical issues, it is worth pointing out that all subjects were voluntarily enrolled in the study. Each subject signed an informed consent statement before starting the study and was free to withdraw at any time. The study was conducted in conformity with the Code of Ethics of the Wor...
To view a copy of this licence, visit Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Xie, B., Zhang, M. Spatio-temporal evolution and driving forces of habitat quality in Guizhou Province. Sci Rep 13, 6908 (2023). https://doi...
the California Education Code and registered with the California Superintendent of Public Instruction. We offer a quality high school education to all Californians regardless of race, color or creed. While taking classes through Cal DriversEd, The student will be concurrently enrolled in Pacific High ...
L. Andreu et al.,op. cit.Hence the proposal to create an Article R. 221-8-1 in the Highway Code (inspired by Article R. 221-8) which states that“The various categories of driving licence set out in the preceding articles allow the driving of an autonomous vehicle on condition that ...
To view a copy of this licence, visit Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Jabbari, Y., Kenney, D.M., von Mohrenschildt, M. et al. Testing landmark-specific effects on route navigation in an ecologically valid setting...