Same Like RTO Test: 15 Random questions and road signs related questions will be asked in this exam. -show timer. -show right/wrong question number. -show result/score card INFORMATION Process or Document: Important Licence related Information Like Driving licence process.(Must go through it Onc...
gg aboutghi , Iam just puzled ,please let me know with my dubai driving licence[LMV]if I can drive in London ,Iam for thelast one year over here or what i,have to do to drive here ,though iworked in Dubai allmost 20 years and Igot 15 years driving experience in Dubai mostly at...
Same Like RTO Test: 15 Random questions and road signs related questions will be asked in this exam. -show timer. -show right/wrong question number. -show result/score card INFORMATION Process or Document: Important Licence related Information Like Driving licence process.(Must go through it Onc...