Rain, fog, or snow make it difficult to see. And if you can't see, other drivers can't see you. New York State law requires you to turn on your headlights if your windshield wipers are on. Your Daytime Lights do not qualify. No High Beams Photo Credit - Elenathewise/Think Stock N...
PS: Get an EPautos magnet or sticker or coaster in return for a $20 or more one-time donation or a$10 or more monthly recurring donation. (Please be sure to tell us you want a magnet or sticker or coaster– and also, provide an address, so we know where to mail the thing!) ...
Braking times increase in heavy downpours or the first 30 minutes of a heavy rain storm. Stay on high alert during these times, keep extra distance between your vehicle and those around you, turn on your hazards if necessary, and slow down to avoid skidding. 14) Prepare for snowy weather...
but they can certainly come in very handy if you do encounter bad weather on your trip.We drove through a short snow storm at the end of our trip and we’re very happy to have a 4 wheel drive (4WD or 4X4) car with good winter tires which kept us from sliding off the ...
Humanoid robots have long fascinated the public and earned a place in pop culture as powerful but sometimes dangerous. Tesla tapped into this when it posted on Instagram in a promotion for the event that, "if you can run faster than 5 mph, you'll be fine." The Tesla humanoid robot is...
For example, if you're at work and the kids are at school and a storm moves through, do the kids know what to do and what you will do? It can be as simple as, "If the weather is really bad, stay where you are I will come to you." So they don't go off into the storm ...
With high temperatures forecasted, too, you will not want to deal with any car troubles on the side of the road in the heat. Be sure to check your battery before a road trip. LABOR DAY FORECAST: SCORCHING TEMPERATURES, RAIN COULD BRING SAD END TO SUMMER FOR MILLIONS ...
One light in particular is driving people to social media. According toone person on Reddit, the light at the end of the Hogan Road offramp on Interstate 95 is being a bit sticky. This person claims that on a fairly regular basis, especially at night, that you can sit through several ...
I bet my own parents didn’t have a chart on their wall for me and my siblings, and there were six of us. Of course, this is because the only extracurricular activities available during my childhood were standing outside in the cold, standing outside in the rain, being given jobs to ...
Later on in the race, a rain storm moves in making for even more chaos in what was already a full contact competition. Several cars are claimed by the wet conditions and the higher powered cars struggle to use their performance advantage on the small radial tires of the...