Advanced driver training The potential for reducing risk amongst more experienced drivers needs to be explored. Training for drivers whose licenses are suspended, or training for experienced drivers in a graduated licensing system, may provide a better structure for effective training than training for ...
Potvin, L., Champagne, F., & Laberge-Nadeau, C. (1988). Mandatory driver training and road safety: The Quebec experience. American Journal of Public Health, 78, 1206-1209. Preston, B. (1980). Child cyclist accidents and cycling proficiency training. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 12, 1...
Coughlin JF. The effect of age and gender on visual search during lane changing. In: Proceedings Driving Assessment 2011: 6th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design. Ames Iowa: University of Iowa; 2011b. ...
Crafting a Fulfilling Job: Bringing Passion into Work; University of Michigan, Ross School of Business: Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 2008; pp. 1–8. [Google Scholar] Petrou, P.; Demerouti, E.; Peeters, M.C.; Schaufeli, W.B.; Hetland, J. Crafting a job on a daily basis: Contextual ...
A total of 2990 participants were recruited from five sites: Ann Arbor, MI; Baltimore, MD; Cooperstown, NY; Denver, CO; and San Diego, CA. To be included in the study, participants were required to be between 65 and 79 years of age, have a valid license, drive at least once a ...
Moreover, we explained the settings of the LED light, which was turned off during the training session. Once the participants understood the instructions well, we initiated the experiment. First, participants experienced the four driving scenarios with a short break. At the end of each scenario,...
Design, Development and Testing of a New Pregnant Abdomen for the Hybrid III Small Female Crash Test Dummy; University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute: Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 2001. [Google Scholar] Klinich, K.D.; Schneider, L.W.; Eby, B.; Rupp, J.; Pearlman, M.D. Seated...
ANDOR All fieldsTitleAbstractKeywordsAuthorsAffiliationsDoiFull TextReferences Open AccessArticle by Peter C. Esselman 1,*, Shiguo Jiang 2, Henry A. Peller 3, David G. Buck 4and Joel D. Wainwright 3,* 1 US Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center, 1451 Green Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105...
Another option could be to compare the information value of AH across different populations of drivers, e.g., from different areas, occupations, or training background. Another facet that could be improved about our work is to look for a nonlinear relationship between AH and FCR. Correlation ...
We implemented a between-group design. Both groups experienced the same training and driving scenarios. Nevertheless, we manipulated the settings of the ambient light delivered by the LED stripe around the windshield. In order to avoid bias in the EEG data originating from the absence of any ligh...