Please note that some of the capabilities should be fairly easy to port from one driver to another, but be aware some are dependent on MCU peripheral availability and thus not possible, or hard, to port. The fastest and most deterministic MCUs seems to be iMRXT1062, STM32H7xx and STM32...
STM32G0++not tested STM32G4++not tested STM32L0+++not tested STM32L1+++ STM32L4+++not tested STM32L5++not tested STM32H7++ LCD driver: st7735 (SPI mode tested) st7783 (8 bit paralell mode tested) ili9325 (8 bit paralell mode tested) ...
GPIO_Initure;定义后,编译报错,HAL库文件报错:STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver\Inc/stm32f1xx_hal.h:299:1:error: unknowntype 远风2022-02-15 07:32:48 32位MCU按照例子新建了一个LED工程,结果怎么都编译不过去是为什么? \' assembling startup_NUC1xx.s... compiling core_cm0.c... core_cm0.c:Error:C306...
uint32_tres_table[]; }; #ifdef CONFIG_ADC_STM32_DMA staticvoidadc_stm32_enable_dma_support(ADC_TypeDef*adc) { /* Allow ADC to create DMA request and set to one-shot mode as implemented in HAL drivers */ #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32H7X) ...
2. Common driver: The common driver provides a set of friendly APIs for HMI (LEDs, buttons, and joysticks) and COM services. 3. Component drivers: This generic driver, for an external device on the board and independent of the HAL, is the component driver, which provides specific APIs to...
STM32H7xx_HAL audio ftp_lib rt_ota_lib samples touchgfx_lib wlan_wiced_lib Kconfig SConscript packages rt-thread .config .config.old .cproject .gitattributes .gitignore .project CubeMX_Config.ioc.lnk EventRecorderStub.scvd Kconfig RealThread_STMH750-...