AboutMark Fitzpatrick Mark Fitzpatrick is a Licensed Property and Casualty Insurance Producer and MoneyGeek's Head of Insurance. He has analyzed the insurance market for over five years, conducting original research and creating personalized content for every kind of buyer. He has been quoted in sev...
This time its all up to me and by chance getting to your site is a blessing! I will be back on my feet again, and this will be the start to success! I will do lessons again with the AA driver instructor (same one) She gave my confidence back before & this time I want to do ...
Data on the proportion of unbanked adults is collected from the World Bank’s Financial Inclusion Index. Following Gross et al. (2012), we define the unbanked as individuals older than 15 years without a checking, saving or money market account. A subset of those holding bank accounts, are ...
As a result of the limited studies returned within the prairie ecoregion, predictions about the deleterious effects of introduced fishes in prairie streams may need to draw from other ecoregions and assume that the observed effects may be similar. For example, the expected effects mentioned in the...
Kraneveld EA, Buija MJ, Bonder MV, Keijser BJF, Crielaard W, Zaura E (2012) The relation between oral Candida load and bacterial microbiome profiles in Dutch older adults. PLoS ONE 7:e42770 CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Tati S, Davidow P, McCall A, Hwang-Wong E, Rojas...
By 2021, around 71% of adults in developing countries will have formal financial access, an increase from 42% in 2011 [2]. This achievement, however, remains a challenge for the 1.4 billion people who currently do not have access to formal or semi-formal financial services, especially in ...
Lessons for Responsible Innovation in the Business Context: A Systematic Literature Review of Responsible, Social and Sustainable Innovation Practices. Sustainability 2017, 9, 721. [CrossRef] 22. Fischer, D.; Stanszus, L.; Geiger, S.; Grossman, P.; Schrader, U. Mindfulness and sustainable ...