It is absolutely essential that you drive defensively in Thailand, as you cannot assume the other driver has any knowledge or skill whatsoever. Drivers in Thailand, drive on the left hand side of the road, but don't be surprised to see vehicles using both sides of the road and oncoming ve...
and recombination. We make the assumption that each pathogen sequence is from a distinct individual. In practice, when applying the model to real data, we perform a number of data filtering steps to ensure this assumption
To the best knowledge of the author’s only a small number of bottom-up climate change assessments of flood risk using an event-based model can be found in the literature. For example, Padulano et al. (2021) present a bottom-up approach to analyse urban flooding, where modelling inputs ...
Whilst genetic studies on Australian alpine biota begin to reveal observable genetic patterns from a paleobiogeographical perspective [39,40], to our knowledge, no studies in the Australian Alps have used SDMs to test these inferences. Understanding the historical processes that have shaped ...
1.2. Drivers of Emergency Department (ED) Use: Impact of Chronic Disease and Mental Illness on Non-Emergent ED Use Non-emergent ED use has also been shown to be due to patients' lack of knowledge in managing a previously diagnosed mental or chronic illness [10,13,24,25], such as ...
It is well founded knowledge that a rise in air temperature favors the release of nitrogen from soil, which enhances stream nitrogen concentration with time [53,54]. 3.2.2. Spatial Pattern of Precipitation Elasticity Spatially, all monitoring sites were clustered into three groups based on ...
Moreover, the integrative nature of sustainability challenges gives rise to a demand for "translators," professionals with the understanding and communication skills to carry knowledge across the boundaries that divide communities of experts, policy makers, and the public. [31] (p. 8) Though its ...