Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Book 2. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Book 2, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmwar...
Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Book 2. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Book 2, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmwar...
The D3DKMDT_GDISURFACETYPE enumeration indicates the type of lockable surface that is used by the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) for redirection. D3DKMDT_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY Specifies the capabilities for the preemption of graphic processing unit (GPU) graphics operations that the display ...
Surface 团队驱动程序开发最佳实践 组件 Windows 驱动程序模型 (WDM) 设备对象和设备堆栈 内存管理 安全性 I/O DMA 控制器对象 中断服务例程 (ISR) 消息信号中断 (MSI) 延迟的过程调用 (DPC) 即插即用 (PnP) 电源管理 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) ...
D3DKMT_ESCAPE_TDRDBGCTRL (2)请勿使用;仅用于测试目的。 转义操作允许用户控制操作系统的超时检测和恢复(TDR)进程的行为。 此功能默认处于禁用状态。 若要启用此功能,TdrTestMode = TdrTestMode DWORD 注册表值(存储在 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers 键中)必须设置为 1。Priva...
It's always important to keep all the drivers in your Surface Book up-to-date. In this post, we’re going to show you 2 easy ways to get the latest drivers...
D3DKMTAcquireKeyedMutex2 D3DKMTAcquireKeyedMutex2 函数获取包含私有数据的键式互斥体对象。 D3DKMTAdjustFullscreenGamma 调整全屏伽玛。 D3DKMTChangeSurfacePointer Microsoft保留 D3DKMTChangeSurfacePointer 函数以供内部使用。 请勿在代码中使用此函数。 D3DKMTChangeVideoMemoryReservation 更改视频内存预留。 D3DKMTCheck...
Called by the Microsoft DirectX graphics kernel subsystem to check the details of hardware support for multiplane overlays. DXGKDDI_CHECKMULTIPLANEOVERLAYSUPPORT2 DxgkDdiCheckMultiPlaneOverlaySupport2 is called to determine whether a specific multi-plane overlay configuration is supported. DXGKDDI_CHECKMULTI...
DXGKQAITYPE_QUERYSEGMENT2Value: 4Reserved for system use. Do not use in your driver. This constant occurs starting in Windows 7. DXGKQAITYPE_QUERYSEGMENT3Value: 5The KMD should populate a DXGK_QUERYSEGMENTOUT3 structure with memory-segment information. Supported starting in Windows 8. DXGKQAITY...