佳能Canon PIXMA TR8520 印表機和掃描器驅動程式 這些是打印機附帶的 CD 中包含的驅動程序和軟件。 正確安裝印表機驅動程式:請勿將印表機連接到電腦。首先開始安裝軟體。在安裝過程中,顯示器上會出現一則訊息,通知您何時將印表機連接到電腦。 如果您在螢幕上看到「發現新硬體」訊息,請按一下「取消」並中斷 USB 連接...
There are several reasons for yourCanon printer not responding. These reasons can vary from something as simple as a loose connection, to the printer not being switched on (it happens!) or the printer not being connected to the network. These are just a selection of the more common reasons ...