The proprietary "AMD Software: Adrenaline Edition" came pre-installed on my gaming PC with Windows 10 and everything just works no problem. Graphics card in question: AMD ATI Radeon RX 580 2048SP I'm not asking for anything crazy. I just want my shit to work. igor...
支持服务 下载适用于 SAPPHIRE Radeon 消费型显卡产品和操作系统的最新驱动程序。另请注意,大多数 AMD 驱动程序都是通用和向后兼容的,但它们特定于操作系统。始终确保为您的计算机选择合适的操作系统,尽管最新的驱动程序应与前几代的大多数 GPU 兼容。 下载驱动程序 ...