JDBC驱动可以使Java程序打开数据库连接,并发送SQL(DDL,DML)或者数据库命令,执行结果以Java数据类型返回。从实现的角度来讲:它是对Java的JDBC API的实现,由第三方数据库厂商来完成。 JDBC Driver Types 由于操作系统、硬件平台的多样性, Sun公司将JDBC实现分为4种类型(Type1 ,2,3,4)。下面就对这四种类型分别进行...
SQL Server 类型JDBC 类型 (java.sql.Types)Java 语言类型 varbinary(max) image LONGVARBINARY byte[](默认)、Blob、InputStream、String text varchar(max) LONGVARCHAR String(默认)、Clob、InputStream ntext nvarchar(max) LONGVARCHAR LONGNVARCHAR (Java SE 6.0) String (default), Clob, NClob xml LONGVARCH...
SQL Server 类型JDBC 类型 (java.sql.Types)Java 语言类型 bigintBIGINTlong binaryBINARYbyte[] bitBITboolean charCHARString dateDATEjava.sql.Date datetime3TIMESTAMPjava.sql.Timestamp datetime2TIMESTAMPjava.sql.Timestamp datetimeoffset2microsoft.sql.Types.DATETIMEOFFSETmicrosoft.sql.DateTimeOffset ...
Understanding JDBC data types Using statements Managing result sets Performing transactions Handling metadata Using Always Encrypted Guide articles Connections Setting the data source properties Setting the connection properties Working with a connection
Smart Driver feature in the fork of upstream pgjdbc (#1) Aug 12, 2024 .editorconfig feat: Define binary transfer for custom types dynamically/automatical… Feb 1, 2023 .git-blame-ignore-revs chore: add .git-blame-ignore-revst to hide reformatting commits from … ...
下载JDBC 驱动程序 使用给定的对象、目标类型和小数位数设置指定参数的值。 语法 public final void setObject(int n, java.lang.Object obj, int targetSqlType, int scale) 参数 n 指示参数编号的 int。 obj 一个对象。 targetSqlType 一个int 值,此值指示 java.sql.Types 中定义的目标类型。
下载JDBC 驱动程序 Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server 使用 JDBC 高级数据类型将 SQL Server 数据类型转换为 Java 编程语言所支持的格式。 备注 下表列出了高级 SQL Server、JDBC 和 Java 编程语言数据类型之间的默认映射。 SQL Server 类型JDBC 类型 (java.sql.Types)Java 语言类型 ...
The Microsoft JDBC driver jars aren't part of the Java SDK and must be included in Classpath of user application. If using JDBC Driver 12.8, set the classpath to include themssql-jdbc-12.8.0.jre8.jarormssql-jdbc-12.8.0.jre11.jar. ...
20.1Using the JDBC Driver A JDBC driver is a software component that enables a Java application to interact with a database. Four types of JDBC drivers are available. Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne supports Type 3 and Type 4 JDBC drivers. ...
Our SQLite JDBC driver package (i.e., sqlite-jdbc- contains three types of native SQLite libraries (sqlitejdbc.dll, sqlitejdbc.dylib, sqlitejdbc.so), each of them is compiled for Windows, macOS and Linux. An appropriate native library file is automatically extracted into your ...