(Medicine)USa member of the emergency services who is trained to provide basic emergency medical care before a patient is taken to a hospital. Abbreviation:EMT Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
Driver training/awareness We asked our members if they thought that drivers who committed relatively minor offences e. g. speeding, should be offered a driver retraining or awareness course, at their own expense, instead of being prosecuted. The majority (87%) of our members agreed with this....
Motor Racing: Racer Hywel Gets Moving; North Wales Motor Racing Driver Hywel Lloyd Hopes to Be a Big Hit in the British F3 Series Next YearByline: By PHIL BENSONDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
The United Kingdom (UK) East Inshore and Offshore Plans include reference to a potential initiative focused on "investment in rural amenities and services to build social capital" as a way to implement the stated policy of providing health and social well-being benefits [42]. Goal 4 of the...
States should consider implementing refresher heavy truck driver safety training, particularly for drivers with previous crash FROIs, that includes driving on narrow roads and roadway departure prevention and shifting gears on hills, in addition to speeding, unsafe brakes, and intersections, as ...
Byline: Gareth BicknellDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
Drink-Driver Four Times over but Sick Wife Saves Him from Jail; Alcohol Level One of Highest Recorded in North WalesByline: ELWYN ROBERTSDaily Post (Liverpool, England)