Embodiments of the invention provide for circuits for driving LEDs with consistently good illumination and superior efficiency at lower cost and suitable for use with cheaper LEDs or with LEDs havingwide component parameter tolerances over wide operating voltages and temperature variations. Circuits ...
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ST贴片L系列:L6599D. L6598D. L6572D. L6563. L6384. L6388.L6508. L6205.L6902. L6920. L6615. L6512. L6201. L6571.L5991. L5970等。 产品涵盖:IC集成电路、单片机、MCU主控芯片、解码器、烧录器、二三极管、电容、 电阻、电感磁环、连接器、晶振、坦电容、电源管理芯片 IGBT模块、可控硅、场...
Computer : Toshiba Satellite L655 PSK1EE Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M370 @2.40GHz System type : 64-bit Operating System Windows Edition : Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit If it's not enough just tell me what to add and how to find the information about it. Thanks For Your...
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