Driver Testing Could not load test information. Error:未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。 解决办法:把WDK卸载后重新下载安装即可。 1. 卸载WDK 2. 删除磁盘上的Windows Kit文件夹,例如 D:\Windows Kit 3. VS中,在扩展管理器中卸载WDK扩展。 重新安装,问题解决。
"Driver Testing Could not load test information. Error: Could not load file or assembly 'TaefTestParser, Version= Culture=neutral, PublicToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.." If I push [OK] button and VS seems wor...
Today, when I opened Visual Studio, I got a dialog that said “Microsoft Visual Studio | Driver Testing | Could not load test information. Error: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component…” (the two final dots are there in the original) I hav...
When I try to launch Visual Studio after installing WDK and extension, Im getting this error. I tried reinstalling extension and reinstalling WDK, and its still not working Driver Testing Could not load test information. Error: Object reference not
This section explains how to add, delete, and change boot options to create new load configurations for an operating system and how to use the boot entry parameters to customize a load configuration for driver testing and debugging. By editing boot options, you can: ...
[W3C] Encountered internal error running command: Error: Could not load a driver for platformName 'iOS'. Please verify your Appium installation [W3C] at AppiumDriver.getDriverAndVersionForCaps (/Applications/Appium Server [...
appium:avd The name of Android emulator to run the test on. The names of currently installed emulators could be listed using avdmanager list avd command. If the emulator with the given name is not running then it is going to be launched on automated session startup. appium:avdLaunchTimeout...
Use property pages to configure and set options for your driver and driver package. You can choose to configure your driver so that it is automatically signed when you build your solution, or automatically deployed to a remote test computer....
Message:[BEA][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Could not establish a connection using integrated security: No valid credentials provided The krb5.conf file installed with the WebLogic JDBC drivers is configured to load automatically unless the system property is set to point to another ...
FileNotFoundError: 未找到浏览器,请手动指定浏览器可执行文件路径。 During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/alif/ManPower/VFS_APPOINTMENT/vfs-slots-api-monitor-main/", line 43, in ...