SurfacePro11_Win11_26100_24.091.12892.0.msi This file name provides the following information: Product: Surface Pro 11th Edition, Snapdragon processor Windows release: Win11 Build: 26100 Version: 24.091.12892 – This version number reveals the following: ...
Surface Laptop 6April 9, 2024April 9, 2030 Surface Pro 10April 9, 2024April 9, 2030 Surface Laptop (7th Edition)June 18, 2024June 18, 2030 Surface Pro (11th Edition)June 18, 2024June 18, 2024 Legacy products The following table lists products that have passed their end-of-servicing date...
Surface Laptop 6April 9, 2024April 9, 2030 Surface Pro 10April 9, 2024April 9, 2030 Surface Laptop (7th Edition)June 18, 2024June 18, 2030 Surface Pro (11th Edition)June 18, 2024June 18, 2030 Legacy products The following table lists products that have passed their end-of-servicing date...
管理Surface 保修 & 服务请求 检查设备保修状态 超出保修期的维修和费用 商业服务和维修 Surface for Business 服务和维修 服务和修复选项 Surface 服务选项 Microsoft 区域内修复 授权的服务提供程序 客户自助维修 服务和修复功能 下一个工作日服务 在兼容 Surface 的设备中删除 SSD 的最佳做法 ...
Per aggiornare un Surface Pro 7 con la build 22000 di Windows 11, scegliSurfacePro7_Win11_22000_22.011.9935.0.msi. Nota:Se non è presente un file .msi corrispondente alla build di Windows installata, seleziona il file .msi più vicino (ma comunque inferiore) al numero ...
Hvis du vil opdatere en Surface Pro 7 med build 22000 af Windows 11, skal du vælge SurfacePro7_Win11_22000_22.011.9935.0.msi. Bemærk!: Hvis der ikke er en .msi-fil, som svarer til den Windows-build, du har installeret, skal du vælge den .msi-fil, der er...
{"New tab":"What's New","New 1":"Surface Laptop Studio 2","New 2":"Surface Laptop Go 3","New 3":"Surface Pro 9","New 4":"Surface Laptop 5","New 5":"Surface Studio 2+","New 6":"Copilot in Windows","New 7":"Microsoft 365","New 8":"Windows 11 apps","Store t...
Method 1: Download and install Surface Pro 4 drivers manually You can manually download and install the Surface Pro 4 drivers for your computer by searching on the Internet. Before getting started, you should know for sure the device model that needs to update the driver. ...
1. Download driver 2. Convert the installation file to an Intunewin file. Upload file to Intune win32 app. 3. Set the following application settings: Installation command: WacomTablet_6.3.46-1.exe /s Uninstall command: %ProgramFiles%\Tablet\Wacom\32\Remove.exe /u /s ...
Salve, posseggo un Surface Pro 1 (I5-3317u), con scheda grafica Intel® HD 4000. Quando provo ad installare gli ultimi driver (versione 15.33) mi appare un messaggio di errore, ovvero non posso installarli perché il processore non è supportato. Translate...