BOFAN-10 Jacket PVC Product name walkie talkie usb programming cable Color black chip FTDI ft232 ,Ch340,pl2303 OEM ODM: support Material PVC, Pure Copper use walkie talkie Compatibility WIN7 WIN8 WIN10 Warranty 6 Months connector USB 2.0 Connector, K Type, K Type To Usb Application walkie ... (553.7 KB)Versions (2001-03-29) via .inf1.5.0.0 (2002-04-09) via .infAdditional Notes RS232 USB Driver FileUploaded By Purushothaman (DG Staff Member) on 22-Feb-2006 MINUTEMAN Driver Update Utility Updates PC Drivers Automatically Identifies & Fixes Un...
USB toRS232转换芯片种类繁多,常见的有ch340,0108,PL2303,FT232等,这里面FT232的应该价格是相对比较贵的,因为FTDI的芯片本身比较贵。由于买了一根PL2303芯片的 USBtoRS232转换线,于是插上后发现驱动无法安装,又是在设备管理器里卸载重装,甚至电脑都重启了,这种问题倒是第一次碰到,之前用的 ch340和 FT232系列的...
Prolific PL2303 (串口线)USB转串口驱动3.3.2.102版For WinXP-64/Vista-64/Win7-64/Win8-64/Win8.1-64/Win10-64。目前主流的usb转串口线均为PL2303芯片,该驱动为PL2303 usb转串口驱动, 适用于64位的WinXP以上操作系统。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:7 积分 电信网络下载 ...
1.HXSP-2108D USB To RS-232 2.HXSP-2108F USB To RS-485 3.HXSP-2108G USB To RS-485 RS-422 4.PL2303 ReadMe [Root] Driver for Windows operating system: PL-2303 Driver Installer PL-2303 Vista Driver Installer [Folder] WinCE: Driver for WIN CE Win98_ME: Driver remover for Win98,...
HT630 USB转串口驱动RS232 to USB driver,互通互通互通互通,仅仅适合它 USB转串口2018-07-13 上传大小:278KB 所需:14积分/C币 STM32 USB转串口驱动 Virtual COM Port Driver(V1.5.0).rar STM32单片机上的USB外设模拟串口,USB转串口驱动,附含安装方法,在README.txt中。
The USB-SERIAL is a device manufactured by Other Companies. This version of "" has been downloaded 7,637 times with a user rating of 4 out of 5 stars, based on 41 reviews. Visitors have successfully installed this driver on PCs running Windows 10, Windows...
PL-2303 Vista Driver Installer,解决win7操作系统的 代码10错误 上传者:ksrsoft时间:2018-05-01 pl-2303_vista usb-to-serial驱动能够在vista下很好的使用。 上传者:Jesen_Chen时间:2010-03-18 PL-2303 USB转串口驱动程序 PL2303 是Prolific 公司生产的一种高度集成的RS232-USB接口转换器,可提供一个RS232 全...
pl2303驱动是适用于win7系统连接usb串口的驱动安装程序,支持32位和64位操作系统,用户可以直接下载使用,操作比较简单,实用性很强!小编已亲测,有需要的用户欢迎来IT猫扑下载。 PL2303简介 PL2303 是Prolific 公司生产的一种高度集成的RS232-USB 接口转换器,可提供一个RS232 全双工异步串行通信装置与USB 功能接口便利联...
Driver USB Dewesoft v3.4 Driver firmati (ver. 3.4, rilasciato il 10/12/2019) per tutti i dispositivi USB Dewesoft. I driver sono per il sistema operativo Microsoft Windows Win10 a 32 e 64 bit. english 3.4 zip 11/4/2023 Scaricamento Driver USB DS-IMU Driver da RS232 a USB per...