Upgrade in a Docker Container FAQs Appendix Before the Upgrade To query the NPU driver and firmware version, run the npu-smi info -t board -i NPU ID command. In the command output, the value of Software Version is the NPU driver version, and the value of Firmware Version is the NPU fi...
Introduction Rather than attempting to overhaul the existing SPI interface, adding a new MSPI API may be a better option for both new and existing users. Problem description The existing Zephyr SPI has many limitations including but not ...
Fixes to Activity ID and Client ID behavior to maintain consistency with JDBC specification Fixed Activity ID behavior to stay the same for the life of the process, always send Activity ID in PRELOGIN, and increment sequence for each new connection. Also fixed client ID to persist for the life...
Go MySQL Driver is a MySQL driver for Go's (golang) database/sql package - mysql/packets.go at v1.4 · go-sql-driver/mysql
... Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("user", user); props.put("password", password); ... myDriver = (Driver)Class.forName("weblogic.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver").newInstance(); conn = myDriver.connect("jdbc:weblogic:db2://;LocationName=S10B757B", props); stmt =...
We start with implementing the ioctl system call, which is a common interface used for device control. Then we proceed to various ways of synchronizing with user space; by the end of this chapter you have a good idea of how to put processes to sleep (and wake them up), implement ...
Here is a code example for WebLogic jDriver for Oracle: Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("user", "/"); props.put("password", "/"); props.put("server", "myserver"); Class.forName("weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver").newInstance(); ...
DBD::Pg is a Perl module that works with the DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases. MODULEDOCUMENTATION This documentation describes driver specific behavior and restrictions. It is not supposed to be used as the only reference for the user. In any case consult theDBIdocumentation...
The problem is that the sensors are usually asynchronous and their data possibly out-of-sequence, making fusion of the sensor data non-trivial. This paper presents a novel approach to track-to-track fusion for automotive applications with asynchronous and out-of-sequence sensors using information ...
Starting with the ODBC Driver 17.1 for SQL Server, the SQL_COPT_SS_TRUSTEDCMKPATHS connection attribute allows an application to require that Always Encrypted operations only use a specified list of CMKs, identified by their key paths. By default, this attribute is NULL, which means that the ...