问题描述:电脑安装的是Win764位的旗舰版,USB to RS232这种线很简单,对于笔记本如果要用串口,就不能少了它了。USB toRS232转换芯片种类繁多,常见的有ch340,0108,PL2303,FT232等,这里面FT232的应该价格是相对比较贵的,因为FTDI的芯片本身比较贵。由于买了一根PL2303芯片的 USBtoRS232转换线,于是插上后发现驱动无...
USB转RS232驱动,此版本为PL2303_v1.7.0驱动,大部分的串口线都兼容! 上传者:weixin_41418609时间:2018-09-17 PL2303 USB TO RS232驱动程序支持WIN7 PL2303 USB TO RS232驱动程序支持WIN7 64位系统 上传者:baidu_29045543时间:2015-06-18 usb-rs232, PL2303 XA/HXA, windows8驱动 ...
PL2303 Driver Setup Installer for Win7 Win8 32&64 Windows 8 Driver Support!!! === Please note the following for Windows 8 Driver Support: - PL2303H (Not Supported) - will show yellow mark Error Code 10 in Device Manager. This c
Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit) Package included: 1x PL2303MDL USB to TTL Module 1x 4PIN Cable Sold by BEIBAO Store(Trader) Ship to Vietnam AliExpress commitment Shipping: ₫10,920 Delivery:Mar. 05,item ships within 8 days Security & Privacy ...
新建文件夹pl2303安装使用简明教程pl2303 windows driver user manual v1 12 0.pdf,PL2303 Windows Driver User’s Manual For Driver Installer v1.12.0 Release For Microsoft Windows Operating Systems Counterfeit Warning!!! Please be warned that counterfeit/fake
PL2303 USB-to-Serial Bridge Chip Family Windows Driver Installer User Manual ✓ Driver Installer & Build date: 1.8.0 (2013-2-26)∙ GUID: ECC3713C-08A4-40E3-95F1-7D0704F1CE5E ✓ Windows 2000 / Windows XP (32 & 64-bit) WHQL Driver: v2.1.44.226 (2/5/2013) ∙ Compat...
PL2303 USB-to-Serial Bridge Chip Family Windows Driver Installer Manual For Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 Operating Systems Windows Driver Installer v1.5.0 Release Contents Driver Version Information System Requirements Installing the Device Uninstalling the Device Disclaimer Driver Version Information Driver...
(Rev D) or HXD PL2303TA PL2303TB PL2303EA PL2303RA PL2303SA Server 2003 (32 & 64 bit) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vista / Windows 7 / Server2008/R2 (32 & 64 bit) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows 8 / 8.1 / Server2012/R2 (32 & 64 bit) ...
2. Unplug all USB-To-Serial adapters and Double click on the installer "PL2303_64bit_Installer.exe". This file can be deleted later. 3. The "PL2303 Code 10 Fix" program will be installed along with a shortcut on your Windows Desktop. ...
Win7安装 Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port win7 32位的 里面有个Remove_old_driver.exe程序和HL-2303.exe安装程序 需要重启的时候重启电脑即可。 上传者:guxinxuelei时间:2013-04-26 PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1_12_0 PL2303官方驱动,USB转TTL驱动,正规官方提供协议。可以在Windows7和WindowsXP中正常使用...