(1) docker run 命令中采用了 -v one_volume_name:/container/dir_or_file , 这里的one_volume_name不是host中的绝对路径, 而是一个名称. (2) 通过 docker volume create 创建的, 该命令支持更多的选项, 推荐使用. 匿名volume方式 是通过 docker run 命令中传入了 -v /container/dir 类型的参数. 3. bi...
[root@docker01 ~]# docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 第二步:再次创建容器,并且通过-v参数为VOLUME命名,查看创建的volume 可以看到这时的VOLUME NAME为mysql [root@docker01 ~]# docker run -d -v mysql:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true --name mysql1...
I have the following docker-compose.yml: version: '2' services: app: build: ./app container_name: myapp volumes: #- "../app:/root/www/myapp:rw" - myapp:/root/www/myapp:rw volumes: myapp: #driver: local driver_opts: o: uid=500,gid=500 dev...
-e 传递环境变量 ,ALIYUNDRIVE_AUTH_PASSWORD为访问webdav服务所需密码,酌情修改,JAVA_OPTS 修改最大内存占用,比如 -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512m" 表示最大内存限制为512m 如果有安装 docker compose,也可用来运行(基本命令:docker compose up 运行所有容器,docker compose down 停止并删除所有容器 --volumes 附带删除...
volumes: foo: driver: local driver_opts: type: "tmpfs" o: "o=size=100m,uid=1000" device: "tmpfs" There are also additional Filesystem specific mount options that might be helpful for you. FILESYSTEM-SPECIFIC MOUNT OPTIONS References: docker volume create - Driver-specific options Docker ...
volumes:roundcubeweb:driver:localdriver_opts:type:noneo:binddevice:/mnt/docker/volumes/roundcube/htmlnginxconf:driver:localdriver_opts:type:noneo:binddevice:/mnt/docker/volumes/roundcube/nginx.conf Later on, I have the following under my services section ...
Description of the issue When using docker-compose with volumes placed at custom paths, like kindly suggested here: #2957 (comment), the deletion of volume's directory doesn't happen when the services are brought down with docker-compose...
下面的步骤会将 Docker 配置存储驱动为 Device Mapper,并使用 direct-lvm 模式。 1) 将下面的存储驱动配置添加到 /etc/docker/daemon.json 当中。 {"storage-driver":"devicemapper","storage-opts": ["dm.directlvm_device=/dev/xdf","dm.thinp_percent=95","dm.thinp_metapercent=1","dm.thinp_autoex...
四、生成 Flocker Plugin for Docker 客户端 API [root@swarm-master flocker]# flocker-ca create-api-certificate plugin Created plugin.crt. You can now give it to your API enduser so they can access the control service API. 复制plugin.crt plugin.key 到 flocker node 节点 /etc/flocker 目录...
VOLUME NAME local buildx_buildkit_container0_state # remove the builder while persisting state $ docker buildx rm --keep-state container $ docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME local buildx_buildkit_container0_state # the newly created driver with the same name will have all the state of the...