Mac OS X 10.10.xNvidiaGT 730显卡最新驱动文件。 准备工作 确认你得系统显卡是不是Nvidia GT 730,并且系统是10.10.1 下载附件文件并解压至任意目录。 下载和安装最新的四叶草(Clover)或者变色龙(chameleon) 下载kext utility 2.6.1 安装方法 把附件文件解压出来并复制到/System/Library/Extensions目录下。 打开kext...
此软件包提供NVIDIA Geforce GT625M/GT640M/GT730显卡驱动程序,并受运行Windows 7(32位)操作系统的Inspiron灵越台式机3137、Inspiron灵越5420/5421/3421和Vostro成就笔记本2421支持。 查找适合您的系统的最佳下载内容 请输入您的产品详细信息以查看系统的最新驱动程序信息 ...
so my problem is i cant update my graphics driver for afox gt 730 2gb ddr3 i downloaded from nvidia's website install it then comes with a error: no compatible hardware detected i try modifying the inf files and did it right but the problem still exist can anyone help me? Sort by da...
Driver 475.14 (GT 730) don't install Join Now Login 3 jaafaman 8mo 1 view replies Go to , fill in the boxes with YOUR information and choose the GF 472.12 driver that comes up. IGNORE all of the Security Updates unless you hav...
I set my target on a NVidia GeForce 730 2Gb GDDR5 64 bit as it is the most powerful still on PCIe 2, from that point on you have to possess PCIe 3 which I don't and also don't really need. enough CUDA cores to attempt interesting stuff, supports OpenG...
GT730是一款NVIDIA推出的性价比较高的显卡,对于Linux系统用户来说,安装适用的驱动程序是非常重要的。其中,GT730的Linux驱动程序是关键的一步,可以帮助用户在Linux系统下发挥显卡的最佳性能。 在Linux系统中安装GT730的驱动程序并不复杂,但需要一定的操作步骤。 首先,用户需要确保自己拥有适用于GT730的最新版本的驱动程序...
I set my target on a NVidia GeForce 730 2Gb GDDR5 64 bit as it is the most powerful still on PCIe 2, from that point on you have to possess PCIe 3 which I don't and also don't really need. enough CUDA cores to attempt interesting stuff, supports OpenGL...
I set my target on a NVidia GeForce 730 2Gb GDDR5 64 bit as it is the most powerful still on PCIe 2, from that point on you have to possess PCIe 3 which I don't and also don't really need. enough CUDA cores to attempt interesting...
I set my target on a NVidia GeForce 730 2Gb GDDR5 64 bit as it is the most powerful still on PCIe 2, from that point on you have to possess PCIe 3 which I don't and also don't really need. enough CUDA cores to attempt interesting stuff, supports...